
“My Daughter Is Fat, Isn’t It My Job To Tell Her?”

"It's not surprising parents think the worst thing that could happen to their child is to grow up fat. It's not. It's far more damaging for a child to grow up feeling ashamed and unloved." Photo: Stocksy "My daughter is fat, isn't it my job to tell her?" a well-meaning father wrote to [...]

Kids’ Dance Boom Fuels Injury Risk

Credit: Mathis Dance Studios The booming children's dance industry is set to be overhauled in a bid to combat lacklustre regulation and increasing injury risks. Dance – encompassing jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, cheerleading, contemporary, Irish, acrobatic, musical theatre and lyrical – is more popular than all other Australian children's sports or leisure activities except swimming, according [...]

Depression In Pregnant Mothers May Alter The Pattern Of Brain Development In Their Babies

Credit: © Tatyana Gladskih / Fotolia Depression is a serious mental illness that has many negative consequences for sufferers. But depression among pregnant women may also have an impact on their developing babies. Children of depressed parents are at an increased risk of developing depression themselves, a combination of both genetic and environmental [...]

New Study Shows Emotional Cost For Parents Who Put On A Happy Face For Their Children

iStock Photo How do parents feel when they regulate their emotional expressions in ways that do not match their genuine feelings? Recent research suggests that parents' attempts to suppress negative and amplify positive emotions during child care can detract from their well-being and high-quality parent-child bonds. The findings were published in the March [...]

Domestic Violence Education: Connecting With Students Through Theatre

iStock photos Domestic violence statistics in Australia are horrifying. In the past year one in six women has experienced violence from a current or former partner, 63 women have been killed by family violence and childhood exposure to partner violence increases the likelihood of intergenerational violence [1]. The effect that domestic violence exposure [...]

By |2016-02-28T21:12:06+11:00February 28th, 2016|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

4 Sentences To Use To Cope With Parent Guilt

Shutterstock This past week we've discovered that one of my kids has been living with a significant hearing impairment for some time. I, being the attentive, in tune and observant mother that I am - had no flipping idea. I only took him to the appointment because his Dad was concerned, and the kids [...]

No Excuses When It Comes To Kids And Porn

Pornography is easily accessible to children online. Photo: Phil Carrick The sooner parents realise the risk their child will be exposed to pornography online is real the better. No longer is it OK, if it ever was, to say, "I don't understand tech", or "I don't use it, so I don't get it". The [...]

True Antidepressant Harms To Kids Being Hidden

\Weasel words and unpublished data are hiding the extent of antidepressant harms to children and adolescents, including a likely doubling of aggression and suicidality, researchers suggest. - Rada Rouse Source: True antidepressant harms to kids being hidden | 6minutes Image from Unsplash

On Praising Kids for Effort

ALAMY It’s become something of a self-esteem cliché in the classroom: assuring kids that it’s fine if they messed up their homework assignment on long division, because, hey, they tried really hard. The underlying intention is a good one, and it can be traced back to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck’s work on mind-sets. Dweck [...]

Religious Children are Meaner than Their Secular Counterparts, Study Finds

The moment of truth. No pressure, kid. Photograph: Allen Donikowski/Getty Images/Flickr RM Children from religious families are less kind and more punitive than those from non-religious households, according to a new study. Academics from seven universities across the world studied Christian, Muslim and non-religious children to test the relationship between religion and morality. They [...]

By |2016-01-17T11:41:31+11:00December 21st, 2015|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |6 Comments
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