
Eighty Children Get Chickenpox at Brunswick North West Primary, a School that Calls for ‘Tolerance’ of Vaccine Dodgers

The school says it respects 'the rights of every family to make choices about immunisation'. Photo: iStockphoto There has been a chickenpox outbreak at a Melbourne primary school that actively welcomes pupils who have not been immunised. Up to 80 of the 320 pupils at Brunswick North West Primary in Melbourne's north have [...]

Want to Raise Kind Kids? Harvard Says These 5 Techniques Will Help You Do That

www.raisinglifelonglearners The Making Caring Common Project, done at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, came up with some interesting findings that seem even more relevant given that World Random Act of Kindness Day is just around the corner on November 13th. According to the study, a large majority of youth across a wide spectrum [...]

Could A ‘Sniff Test’ Lead to Early Autism Diagnosis?, Photo: Evan Robold We can identify autism and its severity with meaningful accuracy within less than 10 minutes using a test that is completely nonverbal and entails no task to follow. This raises the hope that these findings could form the base for development of a diagnostic tool that can be applied [...]

Five Reasons Why You Should Read Aloud to Your Kids – and Pick Their Favourite Book

shutterstock As parents know all too well, children love to re-read their favourite books over and over again. While this may feel painfully repetitive to adults, there is something in the text that is bringing children back time after time. Children benefit greatly from re-reading as they learn the rhyming or predictable pattern [...]

5 Steps for Supporting Strengths in Students

flickr One of the most exciting research findings from positive psychology is the amazing wellbeing boosts that can be achieved when we harness our own strengths, and the strengths of our children or students. It seems that when we know what our strengths are - or  when our children and students can identify [...]

Kids as Consumers: Do They Have Rights?

Photo: Verster Cohen Children’s consumption and marketing to children are big business. Children are the target of marketing for everything from toys and sweets to cosmetics, fast foods and the family car. Children have their own money to spend, and they influence family spending. For example, in June 2013, AdWeek reported that ‘fully [...]

Mum’s the Word When It Comes to Children’s Happiness

istockphoto Young people's satisfaction with their family situation is clearly related to the quality of relationships with parents and especially their mother's happiness. The research findings come from the first findings from Understanding Society, the world's largest household panel study managed by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of [...]

Children and Media – Tips for Parents

shutterstock In a world where children are "growing up digital," it's important to help them learn healthy concepts of digital use and citizenship. Parents play an important role in teaching these skills. Here are a few tips from the AAP to help parents manage the digital landscape they're exploring with their children. Treat [...]

By |2015-10-16T08:23:53+11:00October 15th, 2015|Categories: Cybersafety, Technology|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Picky Eating In Children Associated With Depression And Anxiety, Study Warns

Picky eating in children is linked to depression and anxiety, according to a new study published Monday. In this photo, dated Dec. 23, 2011, children eat lunch at the Los Angeles Mission's Christmas meal service and toy giveaway in the skid row section of Los Angeles, California. Reuters/Jonathan Alcorn Picky eating among children [...]

Millions of Social Media Photos Found on Child Exploitation Sharing Sites Innocent photos of children originally posted on social media and family blogs account for up to half the material found on some paedophile image-sharing sites, according to Australia's new Children's eSafety Commissioner. Mostly the images are posted by parents, who are unaware of how easily they can be downloaded and stored by friends or strangers. Tens of millions of photos of children doing everyday [...]

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