
Prenatal Mercury Levels From Fish Tied to Attention Issue

Children exposed to low levels of mercury in the womb through their mothers eating fish high in the metal have an increased chance of developing attention deficit-related disorders, according to a study that suggests pregnant women avoid some types of seafood. The research online today in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine also showed [...]

By |2015-06-27T16:38:34+10:00June 27th, 2015|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

The Signs of Depression in Children – Video Interview

The behavior of depressed children and teenagers often differs from the behavior of depressed adults. Signs of depression in children and adolescents include: Increased irritability, anger or hostility Acting out or sudden behavioral issues Decreased interest in activities or inability to enjoy previously favorite activities Frequent sadness, tearfulness, crying Hopelessness Persistent boredom; low energy Social [...]

Fine Particulate Air Pollution Associated with Increased Risk of Childhood Autism

Exposure to fine particulate air pollution during pregnancy through the first two years of a child's life may be associated with an increased risk of the child developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a condition that affects one in 68 children, according to a University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health investigation of children in [...]

Motherhood Permanently Alters the Brain and Its Response to Hormone Therapy Later in Life

Hormone therapy (HT) is prescribed to alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause in women. Menopausal women are more likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease but not other forms of dementia, and HT has been prescribed to treat cognitive decline in post-menopausal women with variable degrees of effectiveness. New research by Dr. Liisa Galea, [...]

By |2015-06-04T21:53:39+10:00June 4th, 2015|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

6 Ways of Raising Employable Kids

My mother didn’t do one part of parenting that well: she treated me as if I were too important for ‘real’ life. I never had to do any housework and she never brought me down a peg or two, which I sorely needed. She gave me the impression that jobs are something that shouldn’t concern [...]

By |2015-06-03T23:28:33+10:00June 3rd, 2015|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Parenting Style Teaches Kids To Draw On Strengths To Manage Stress

A new Australian study suggests a parenting style that identifies and cultivates the strengths of a child can teach children how to be resilient and deal with stress. Lea Waters, Ph.D., from the Melbourne Graduate School of Education explained how children can draw on their personal strengths to cope with the demands that lead to [...]

By |2016-12-19T15:31:42+11:00June 3rd, 2015|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Dealing with a Teen that Self Harms 

Self-harming is when people cause themselves physical pain in the hope that it will alter their mood state. Some people harm themselves because they feel disconnected and isolated from everybody, and hurting themselves is the only way they feel real or connected. People who cut often start cutting in their young teens. If your teen is self-harming then you may [...]

How to Talk to Kids About Food

Talking to your child about food can be daunting. Children are becoming more and more conscious of their bodies, people’s comments, and what and how they eat at an increasingly young age. They look to adult role models in their life to help them build a healthy relationship with food, but many of us, through [...]

The Problem with Conflict in Schools

Conflict is a part of everyday life in schools. According to research teachers report that conflict behaviour is increasing and a threat to effective learning. When children learn constructive conflict resolution skills, conflict can become an opportunity to learn more about themselves, others and create harmonious schools. Just as children come to school with a [...]

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