
Managing Life Transitions

Many transitions, large and small, occur at the beginning of the calendar year in Australia. Children start primary school for the first time and young people may start high school, their senior secondary years, or further study. Family relocations due to work or study may take place over the long summer break, and new jobs [...]

All Children Should Receive Weekly ‘Happiness’ Lessons from the Age of Five

Children of all ages should be given an hour’s “happiness lessons” every week to nurture their development and stop schools behaving as “exams factories,” a major report will warn this week. It comes as separate figures show the numbers of children receiving counselling sessions because of exam stress has tripled in just one year. Former ministers and Government [...]

Depression in Pregnant Mothers may Alter the Pattern of Brain Development in their Babies

Depression is a serious mental illness that has many negative consequences for sufferers. But depression among pregnant women may also have an impact on their developing babies. Children of depressed parents are at an increased risk of developing depression themselves, a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. These children also display alterations in the [...]

Researchers Call for More Study of Anesthesia’s Risks to Brains of Young Children

Studies in children have found an association between learning problems and multiple exposures to anesthesia early in life. - Denise Grady Source: Researchers call for more study of anesthesia's risks to brains of young children l Houston Chronicle.

By |2015-05-18T07:41:42+10:00May 18th, 2015|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Bullying May Leave Worse Mental Scars than Child Abuse

Being bullied during childhood may have even graver consequences for mental health in adulthood than being neglected or sexually abused, according to the first-ever study to tease out the effects of peer abuse from childhood maltreatment. - by Anne Harding Source: Bullying May Leave Worse Mental Scars Than Child Abuse I LiveScience

Family Break-up Linked to Heightened Risk of Psychosomatic Problems in Teens

Parental separation or divorce is linked to a heightened risk of psychosomatic problems among the children in the family, indicates research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. But joint custody seems to be less problematic than sole custody, the findings suggest. Over the past 20 years, family break-up has become more common in developed [...]

Children Bullied by Peers ‘at Greater Mental Health Risk’

Children who are bullied are at greater risk of mental health problems in later life than those who are maltreated by adults, according to research. The authors of the study say it is time that bullying is taken more seriously. They found children who were bullied were five times more likely to experience anxiety and [...]

Helping Kids Deal with ‘Test Stress’

Many children find doing tests stressful and experience negative impacts on their wellbeing. Tests lead children to suffer from: lost sleep, absenteeism, stress, fear of failure. Encouraging children with these 7 Steps to Success for Tests can be a great opportunity to teach valuable resiliency skills that can be applied to all areas of life! Understand The Power Of Thinking. Teaching children to understand the difference between helpful and unhelpful thinking (e.g. “I [...]

By |2015-04-27T12:29:57+10:00April 26th, 2015|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Relationships Build the Brain

                  We are, right now, in the middle of a revolution in our thinking about the developing brain. We have always known it was important to nurture the very young but now we know why. A burgeoning number of new technologies, such as MRI, PET and rainbow [...]

Teaching Children in Schools about Sexual Abuse May Help Them Report Abuse

Children who are taught about preventing sexual abuse at school are more likely than others to tell an adult if they had, or were actually experiencing sexual abuse. This is according to the results of a new Cochrane review published in the Cochrane Library today. However, the review's authors say that more research is needed to establish [...]

By |2015-04-27T09:34:47+10:00April 17th, 2015|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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