
The Dirt on Outdoor Play

Free and unstructured play outdoors encourages problem solving, social skills and many other forms of development. It’s an ideal environment for experiential learning, as it offers unique opportunities to be creative, to move around, and for children to make choices, be loudor quiet. Outside, kids can explore, take risks, run as fast as they can, [...]

Emotional health in childhood ‘is the key to future happiness’

A child’s emotional health is far more important to their satisfaction levels as an adult than other factors, such as if they achieve academic success when young, or wealth when older. The authors explain that evaluating the quality of a child’s emotional health is based on analysing a range of internal factors in a person’s early [...]

Talking To Your Kids To Keep Them Drug Free

While drugs can take their toll on both physical and mental health for young and old, teenagers are particularly vulnerable to the effects that these addictive substances have on their developing brain. As a result, this may lead to long-term problems for their mental function and place them at increased risk of mental illness. Young [...]

Kids Who Catch You Lying by Omission Won’t Trust what You Say

Children are remarkable judges of the people around them - studies have shown they're able to tell when someone is lying. But can they pick up on more subtle aspects of misinformation - such as when someone's telling only part of the truth, committing a "sin of omission"? Now, in a paper published by the [...]

By |2014-10-31T01:53:32+11:00October 31st, 2014|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

How To Build Resilience In Schools

              Every year there appears to be another framework, resource or program on offer to assist schools with enhancing student wellbeing. Some are fantastic whilst others make claims that probably warrant further investigation. However, the Victorian Department of Education has released an excellent resource. Entitled Building Resilience: A Model [...]

8 girls that are changing the world

Children's Week 2014 has just begun and this year's theme is "every child's right to speak and be heard". As a parent of two young children it's easy to joke about the delights of kids NOT speaking or being heard. Yet there are countless children around Australia and the globe who speak up on issues [...]

Helping Children Avoid Depression

Today’s children are at a higher risk for depression than any previous generation. Almost one in 10 children will experience a major depressive episode by the time they are 14 years old, and almost one in five will experience a major depressive episode before graduating from high school. The good news is, there is apparently something that [...]

S3x Trafficking Of Australian Children

Film Director Libby Spears Yes it happens. But here’s what we can do … By Melinda Tankard Reist, Author & Speaker Last weekend, the Good Weekend Guide featured the story of a 38-year-old Carrie Bailee who at the age of 9 was sold into a pedophile ring by her father. The article sent [...]

10 Do’s and Don’ts on Parenting

Some people live their lives looking at the rear-view mirror, regretting the past rather than enjoying the present or anticipating the future. Here are the most frequently mentioned regrets I've heard from parents in my office. 1. Spent too little time with the kids. Overwhelmed with meeting the expectations of so many people, some parents never [...]

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