
Your child’s lunchbox rating may be written in the stars

A ham and cheese sandwich, muesli bar and milk popper might seem the typical combo for a school lunch box. But the differences in the overall nutritional value can be huge, depending on the brands. Consumer group Choice has applied the algorithm for the healthy food star rating system - controversially removed by Assistant Health [...]

Too Busy For A Thumbs Up

Too busy for a ‘Thumbs Up?’   My 5-year-old son attends swimming lessons each and every Sunday. It’s a busy pool with multiple classes going on at once.   During lessons parents sit around the pool and watch their offspring splash around, offering words of encouragement, the occasional ‘thumbs up’ and many smiles of pride. [...]

Racial Bias In Pain Perception Appears Among Children As Young As 7

A new University of Virginia psychology study has found that a sample of mostly white American children – as young as 7, and particularly by age 10 – report that black children feel less pain than white children. The study, which builds on previous research on bias among adults involving pain perception, is published in the Feb. 28 issue [...]

Can a video game teach empathy?

Can kids learn empathy on an iPad? This is the somewhat unfair but inevitable question surrounding this week's release of a new tablet game called IF. Designed for 6 to 12 year olds, IF aims to help children manage their emotions, cope with stress and conflict, even deal with bullies. It comes with big expectations [...]

Researchers warn of chemical impacts on children

Everyday chemicals are damaging the brains of unborn and young children, leading to conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia and lost IQ points, according to two prominent doctors. In an article published Friday in the journal Lancet Neurology, the two argue that chemicals should be better tested before being allowed on the market, and called for [...]

Research finds health benefits from free play

Cheap items like crates and buckets encourage children to be more active and creative than expensive play equipment, researchers have found. The findings are the result of a long-term study by RMIT University researchers in Melbourne, Australia, into the play differences of primary school children with access to different playgrounds. Introducing simple, everyday objects during [...]

A quarter of parents unable to pay for their child’s school uniform

According to charity Citizens Advice, just a fifth of Britain's parents earn enough to absorb the cost of paying for new school uniforms. - Information Daily Staff Writer via A quarter of parents unable to pay for their child's school uniform - The Information

Helping kids deal with sadness

“If children can learn how to identify when they're sad and know how to manage it, then they are developing emotional intelligence. This helps to not be overwhelmed by the emotion, and instead to get some perspective on it. It also helps to digest the emotion rather than ignore it.” via Why comfort isn't always [...]

Drumming for Development: How Drumming Helps Children With Special Needs

This article was originally written for PediaStaff, a provider of pediatric therapy services. A friend of mine, and fellow music therapist, Kat Fulton shared a story with me recently: I utilized drumming at a camp for kids who have parents with cancer. We sang, chanted,  and drummed. At the end of it all, I invited each child one by one to [...]

New Forms Of Racism Arise In Science Research

Advances in genetic sequencing are giving rise to a new era of scientific racism, despite decades of efforts to reverse attitudes used to justify the slave trade and Nazi theology, experts said on Friday. New forms of discrimination, known as neoracism, are taking hold in scientific research, spreading the belief that races exist and are [...]

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