
Do we teach prejudice?

Again and again I’ve been surprised by what my children don’t see. I once invited a friend who has a disabled child over for lunch. The child was born with only one functioning eye, half an ear missing, and a malformed leg that had been amputated above the knee. Despite these difficulties, she was bright [...]

By |2013-01-22T11:19:05+11:00January 17th, 2013|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Fear that gaming apps will groom young gamblers

A VIRTUAL poker-machine game that children and teenagers can easily access was the highest-grossing phone and tablet app in Australia, prompting outrage from gambling critics and the established pokies industry. The continued growth of virtual gambling apps has also moved Senator Nick Xenophon to push for laws re-classifying the games as gambling when Federal Parliament [...]

Child’s brain injury could lead to crime later in life

People who suffer a traumatic brain injury as a child are more likely to commit offenses as adults, researchers say. Professor Randolph Grace of the University of Canterbury, and Dr Audrey McKinlay from Melbourne's Monash University, studied Canterbury children who had experienced a brain injury as a child from birth to 17 years old. The [...]

By |2012-12-03T14:21:50+11:00December 2nd, 2012|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Fetal alcohol exposure affects brain structure in children

Alcohol use by expectant mothers can lead to problems with the mental and physical development of their children -- a condition known as fetal alcohol syndrome. Research suggests an incidence of 0.2 to 1.5 per 1,000 live births, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Costs for care of individuals affected by fetal [...]

5 tips for forgiveness: empowering children to deal with anger

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Gandhi. A lot is written about youth angst and displays of aggression, however the tools needed to help them deal with anger, their own and other peoples, is not very often addressed. One of the most important aspects of empowering a child to [...]

Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept

Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept is a beautifully illustrated picture book that sensitively broaches the subject of keeping our children safe from sexual interference. This book’s focus is sexual abuse prevention, and has been written and illustrated in a way that is neither frightening nor confronting. Story is an excellent medium when talking to children [...]

Tips on how to protect children from impacts of media exposure

As with most things; moderation and having regard to its content are key factors in protecting children from the impacts of media exposure.  Mr Wayne Warburton, editor of “Growing Up Fast and Furious” and Right2Childhood seminar speaker has out lined some very helpful tips that will reduce the negative risks associated with exposing children to [...]

What do you Expect?

For the most part, I believe that kids tend to rise or fall based on the expectations of the adults in their life. Last year, I was reminded of the book, 'Pygmalion in the Classroom' when I attended a workshop by James Nottingham. The book describes an experiment carried out in a US elementary school to test this [...]

You’ve got to move it move it: tips that will make kids move

With screen time (computer, TV, online games, iPad, mobiles, etc) taking up more and more of children’s time and attention it is important that they are encouraged to burn off excess energy by getting up and out. They should aim to ‘move it move it’ and engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes [...]

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