
Teens who experiment with drugs have differently wired brain- new study

Why do some teenagers start smoking or experimenting with drugs-while others don't? In the largest imaging study of the human brain ever conducted-involving 1,896 14-year-olds-scientists have discovered a number of previously unknown networks that go a long way toward an answer. Robert Whelan and Hugh Garavan of the University of Vermont, along with a large [...]

Helping young people with mental health issues use social media safely

27% of 18 to 24 year olds suffer mental health issues* The transition of young people into adults is no doubt an awkward phase for most teenagers. It is a time when they are most vulnerable to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and addictions. Their understanding of these states of being [...]

Sex sells, but we’re selling out our children

Ever feel like you're living in a giant porn theme park? Billboards dominate public space with hyper-sexualised messages. Buses are painted with semi-naked women. There are pole-dancing themes in shopfronts, porn mags next to the lollies at the petrol station counter, T-shirts in youth surf shops depicting S&M and Playboy bunnies on everything from girls' [...]

By |2012-08-17T19:31:31+10:00April 9th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , |0 Comments

10 Resources to help kids who are bullied

In Australia one in six children are bullied at school each week. 90% of school children report witnessing others being bullied at school. Teachers rarely see bullying, and are often not told of what has happened. Produced by Wired Safety. Ken Rigby, author, research professor and a leading educational expert based at the University of [...]

Careless Teenagers

Brad and Fiona were just your typical 17 year olds. Brad worked at the local service station and Fiona didn’t work at school. Brad was out to prove his manhood and Fiona was out to prove to her friends that she wasn’t frigid and she could bed a man as well as the best of [...]

The Link Between Education and Wellbeing Begins in Early Childhood

research has established links between a lack of development of skills such as motivation and self-confidence in childhood and levels of criminal activity, teenage pregnancy and underachievement in education and employment later in life via When the best start in life turns out to be an early start.

New Study: Digital Media use among young children

40% of 2 to 4 year olds and 52% of 5 to 8 year olds using smartphones, video iPods, iPads A new study in the US by Common Sense Media Research has documented the use of digital media among young children. The startling results; toddlers today spend twice as much time in front [...]

A parent’s dilemma: All they want for Christmas is an iPad

20% of parents use a mobile devise to keep their child entertained* This year parents are under increasing pressure to buy their child an electronic device for Christmas. Even pre-schoolers are asking for the latest interactive media. Yet at $600 a pop, iPhones, iPads and iPods are not toys. So what dilemmas might [...]

Tips on how to help kids care

Recent research has show that we are naturally born with very strong altruistic tendencies. These feelings can be nurtured in young children to help them develop their sense of empathy towards others and the world around them. Felix Warneken, a doctoral student in the department of developmental and comparative psychology at the Max [...]

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