
All work and no play for dad makes poor language skills for children

A study Time or Money: the impact of parental employment on time that four to five-year-olds spend in language-building activities, published in the Australian Journal of Labour Economics looks at how a father’s working hours impacts on family life and how this effects the time spent talking, reading and singing to children. The study noted [...]

QLD Police show you how to protect your kids online

An initiative by the Queensland Police called Who's chatting to your kids? gives parents, teachers and carers practical information on how to protect children online and what to look for if you think a child is being approached by a predator. The internet and advances in technology have been embraced by sex offenders who are [...]

Letter to the Editor: Response by AANA to article on sexualisation and boys

AANA refers to the article “Boys forfeit their right to innocence as sexualisation takes hold”, published on 1st of November, and wishes to clarify the self-regulatory efforts in relation to the sexualisation of children in advertisements. The AANA Code for Advertising and Marketing Communication to Children exists to ensure that advertisers and marketers develop and [...]

Girls’ Mag Watch: More Stereotyped and Limiting Messages for Girls

By Melinda Tankard-Reist. For many girls, the magazines they read are their lifestyle bibles. How should they look, dress, act and relate? What's important in life? Who should they look up to? My analysis of the November issues of Girlfriend, Dolly, Girlpower, Disney Girl, Little Angel and the October and November issues of TotalGirl shows [...]

Government committed to changing Australia’s drinking culture by taking alcohol out of sports

As part of its commitment to changing Australia’s drinking culture, the Government is implementing the National Binge Drinking Strategy to address binge drinking among young people. The Government has committed $103.5 million to the National Binge Drinking Strategy. As part of this strategy, the Community Sponsorship Fund of $25 million is to provide an alternative [...]

Sexually abused children more likely to develop schizophrenia later

A new Australian study 'Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders in a Cohort of Sexually Abused Children' published in the Archives of General Psychiatry has found that children who are subjected to sexual abuse are more than twice as likely to suffer from schizophrenia later in life. Professor Louise Newman, director of Monash University’s Centre for Developmental Psychiatry [...]

Self-harm more common than we realise

1.1% have self-injured recently, of these 40.6% cut themselves 39.8% inflicted scratching injuries on themselves*  A national survey published online in The Medical Journal of Australia has found that self-harming is more prevalent in Australia than previously thought.  The survey, carried out by researchers at the University of Queensland, questioned over 12,000 people, male and female aged [...]

When enough is enough, parents called in to claim their hooligans

Eventually enough is enough. There are scores of teenagers and children roaming the streets at night in packs; indulging into drinking, petty crime and anti-social behaviour. Finally police have put their foot down and sent in the big guns. Now when the going gets tough, the police ring for backup to teenagers' parents. “Operation Enough” [...]

A win in Hollywood for motherhood and the body that comes with it

Jessica Alba is a true modern day heroine. Not just for her role in the Fantastic Four but because finally there is an actress in Hollywood willing to stand up and admit to liking her body just the way it is. It is a rare thing when an actress actually admits that she likes her [...]

Music, art or soft porn?

It seems suddenly everyone is noticing that the video clips on offer today are basically glorified porn depicting the sexualisation of women covered in a thin veil of being an artistic music clip. For some time now experts have been voicing their concerns about the consequences of such blatant imagery on young people. Julie Gale, [...]

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