
New resource to combat cyberbullying

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) last week launched Let's Fight It Together, a government resource designed to combat cyberbullying. The resource which is available to schools includes a 40-page teacher's guide, featuring lesson plans, follow up activities and support material to help teachers write classes to educate students about cyberbullying, and a DVD, [...]

Telling stories to your children

It’s up to us to ensure that our kids get a balance in the stories they’re told. What’s also imperative is that among the stories told to our kids by others (through popular culture) and those that they ‘cobble together’, we include one about ourselves. Kids love to learn their family history through tales of [...]

Six things you should know about drink spiking

• Drink spiking does occur. • If your drink is salty, chemical-tasting, or gritty, stop drinking. • Spiking is just as likely to occur in a home or party as it is in a nightclub or bar. • It is more likely to be carried out by someone you know, or have recently stuck up [...]

Early sexualisation blamed for playground 'sexual assult'

Psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg has blamed sexualisation for the 'sexual assault' of two six-year-old girls by their classmates. In one case in the Queensland school, a group of first-grade students reportedly removed a girl's underwear in the school toilets. The girls involved have since been removed from the school. Dr Carr-Gregg, child psychologist and Generation [...]

Professor Susan Greenfield discusses computer games

Professor Susan Greenfield, world renowned neuroscientist from the University of Oxford, discussed the impact that computer games can have on the brain in an interview on Lateline on the ABC last week. She concluded that video games change the game player’s mind, both in good and bad ways. Professor Greenfield described our brains as being [...]

Breakfast at school

Breakfast is a necessary meal for children, raising alert levels and performance at school, as well as making the children healthier and happier. Despite the great advantages however, many children have a daily habit of skipping breakfast. Around the country schools are trying a novel solution to combat the problem by providing a healthy breakfast [...]

Why your GP's confidence is so important to your children

A recent survey asked parents about visiting GPs with their adolescent children. The survey asked questions ranging from "which topics should be discussed during health visits with your children" to "how important do you think it is for your child to have a confidential discussion with a GP". The survey revealed an interesting fact: while [...]

Making your children feel 'special'

The truth is most of our kids are going to be, in the great scheme of things, ordinary. And that’s perfectly all right. Not everyone can be top of the heap, a star or ‘special’ – at least not all the time. To play being a princess or superhero is fine, but believing you should [...]

15% of five-year-olds have abnormally high depression

A Canadian study has found that 15% of five-year-olds suffer from abnormally high levels of depression and anxiety. The study, which ran for 5 years and tested over 1,700 children, also found that children with a difficult temperament at the age of five months were more likely to go on to develop abnormally high levels [...]

70% of US children have insufficient vitamin D

A US study has found 70% of children have low levels of vitamin D, putting them at risk of developing weak bones, rickets and heart disease. The study examined survey data from over 6,000 children ranging from 1-21 years of age, and also found that 9% of the children surveyed suffered from a serious vitamin [...]

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