
Breakfast at school

Breakfast is a necessary meal for children, raising alert levels and performance at school, as well as making the children healthier and happier. Despite the great advantages however, many children have a daily habit of skipping breakfast. Around the country schools are trying a novel solution to combat the problem by providing a healthy breakfast [...]

Why your GP's confidence is so important to your children

A recent survey asked parents about visiting GPs with their adolescent children. The survey asked questions ranging from "which topics should be discussed during health visits with your children" to "how important do you think it is for your child to have a confidential discussion with a GP". The survey revealed an interesting fact: while [...]

Radio stunt involving 14-year-old rape victim "horrific invasion of rights"

Following a failed stunt with a lie detector on 2DayFM in which a 14-year-old girl revealed she had been raped, a group of 15 public figures have signed a press release calling for the program to be axed. The group, including psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg and Kids Free 2B Kids director Julie Gale, heavily criticised the [...]

Radio show taken off-air after lie detector stunt reveals 14-year-old's rape

Sydney radio DJ and former Australian Idol judge  Kyle Sandilands has taken leave after an on-air stunt last week resulted in a 14-year-old girl publicly admitting she had been raped. The stunt was part of a competition whereby participants were subjected to a lie detector test in order to win tickets to a concert. Sandilands [...]

The ability to communicate with your child

It is vital you try to maintain a positive and open relationship with your child though the early years of high school. It’s not always going to be easy but the ability to communicate any concerns you may have about the activities they are involved with is essential. Children who feel they are able to [...]

Tips to help parents combat sexting

Sexting has become a serious problem in our youth, with one study finding 69% of the teens they surveyed had sent a sext a girlfriend or boyfriend, so to help combat it the Australian Government has issued a fact sheet for parents to help their children avoid the dangers of sexting. The fact sheet contains [...]

Sign up to the Generation Next e-newsletter

You can now subscribe to the Generation Next e-newsletter! The newsletter will feature articles from our speakers, including Dr Michael Carr-Gregg talking about depression and Susan McLean talking about cybersafety, and will also provide you with updates and alerts regarding the Generation Next seminar series. The featured articles will discuss the unique challenges facing generations [...]

Talking to your kids about cannabis use

If you are finding it difficult to raise the issue of mental health and cannabis, try talking about paranoia. Almost every child, regardless of whether they have had contact with cannabis or not, is aware that this is a side effect of using the drug. Although it may seem quite harmless, paranoia can actually be [...]

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