
Tweens torment classmate by posting porn on her Facebook page

In a move that indicates cyber bullying is finally being taken seriously and considered as a real crime, two girls in America have been formally charged with cyberstalking and first-degree computer trespassing. The girls aged 11 and 12 allegedly hacked into the Facebook account of another friend and then posted sexually explicit material on it. [...]

Know Diss: Protect teenagers from cyber bullying

In the UK a concerned parent, Dr Paddy Clarke, has developed the world’s first cyber bullying alert system for Facebook. The application is called KnowDiss and it monitors children’s Facebook accounts for hostile or telltale keywords and phrases. “If any text is picked up that’s suspicious an email is immediately sent to parents so they [...]

Cybersmart: Teaching kids to be smart and safe online

To young people in Australia, the online world is a place where the virtual and the real collide. For many teenagers, the internet and mobile phone are their social lifeline. Online technologies are so important to them that teens’ online and offline friendships may be lost if they are not able to text or post [...]

Sleepless in America: the dangers of using new technologies before sleep

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recently released its 2011 Sleep in America Poll, Exploring Connections with Communications Technology use and Sleep. The poll found that many teenagers from Generation Z (13 to 18 year olds) are using some type of electronic device like a television, computer, video game or mobile phone in the bedroom during [...]

Seminar: The Right to Childhood 2011

A number of concerned organisations and experts have come together to hold a forum called  Right2childhood  to examine the convergence of sex, violence, media, commerce and popular culture. It explores the impact on our children and what we can do about it.  When: 9am-5pm, Friday, April 29, 2011 Where: Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney CBD Many child development [...]

Seminar – The Body Remembers: Practical therapeutic applications of the neurobiology of trauma

Following recent events around Australia including the fires in WA, the floods in VIC and cyclone Yasi in QLD there will be many young people who have experienced traumatic events. Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) can develop after exposure to traumatic experiences(s) and results from an imbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the Autonomic Nervous [...]

13.5% of commercials on Kids TV are inappropriate

13.5% of commercials on kids TV channels contain some form of violent, disturbing, or sexual behaviour. A recent study Commercials on Children's Television: Not So Child Friendly looked at the association between viewing commercials with aggressive and violent content on children's television with violent and antisocial behaviour later in life. Researchers looked at the content of [...]

Teach your child to handle bullies in the schoolyard and online

20% of children are bullied at school 20% of teens do things online they later regret Clinical Psychologist and Generation Next speaker, Andrew Fuller says school yard arguments have become more intense and that cyber bullying has become more vindictive during the last few years. “There has been a change in bullying from mild schoolyard disputes [...]

25 ways to protect young people from online bullying

Susan McLean, Cyber Safety Expert and  Generation Next speaker gives the following advice on how to help protect young people from being bullied online. Do not reply to rude or nasty comments. Immediately tell an adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried online. If someone is being mean or nasty on MSN – block them. [...]

Net Savvy: Richard Eckersley – Is Life getting better?

Richard Eckersley This is a great website for resources on young people and the ever changing world we live in. It has some very useful information for both teachers and parents, especially in the area of society and culture. About Richard Eckersley Richard is an independent researcher and writer on progress, sustainability, culture, health and [...]

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