
Seminar: The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People 2O1O

Generation Next and Healthed invites you to attend this highly informative and educational event. No other educational event brings together so many leading experts under one roof. This UNIQUE multi-disciplinary seminar  features leading experts who will present authoritative and practical information specifically relevant to the mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing of young people. The [...]

Computer and video game addiction – the evidence grows

Recently there has been a renewed cry for video and computer game addictions to be recognised by the greater community. More and more material is coming to light that confirms obsessive and addictive behaviour is increasing among people, especially young people, who engage in computer games for long periods of time. In Australia, Professor Vladan Starcevic of Sydney [...]

Generation Next Seminars for 2010

The articles and blogs by Generation Next are posted to help protect our youth. Each Generation Next newsletter goes out to over 10,000 subscribers nationally. Subscribe to the Generation Next Newsletter. We hope that you, your organization and Generation Next can work together to highlight the many risk factors emerging in our modern society that threaten the [...]

Ethical lessons for Years 5 and 6

Year 5 and 6 students will shortly be able to attend classes on ‘ethical discussions’ that are being introduced on a trial basis in ten NSW government schools across Sydney. These schools include Haberfield, Darlinghurst, Crown Street, Leichhardt and Hurstville. In April students at these schools who do not currently attend scripture lessons can participate [...]

Guest Post: We all learn with style!

By Angie Wilcock. We all learn (and teach!) in a way that suits us - we might never have thought too much about it, and most of us may never have 'labelled' it! If someone were to ask you about your 'style', you may be aware that you are not a good listener, or that [...]

Providing alcohol to minors

You are sending a very strong message to your child when you agree to provide alcohol to minors. Most importantly, you are telling them to ignore the law - alcohol is an illegal drug for those under the age of eighteen. The laws are different across the country with New South Wales having the strictest [...]

What can I do to help someone who is depressed?

People who are depressed are not always easy to help because often they are disinterested, lack energy and motivation, can be irritable, and may not see the point of doing anything. Some people are not used to talking much – especially about themselves, so getting a conversation started can be difficult. Useful tips for helping [...]

Guest Post: Preventing the Transition to Psychosis in Youths

In this guest post, Dr Jackie Curtis, a psychiatrist who actively works with young people with mental health problems at the Prince of Wales Hospital, and Dr Georgie Paulik, a clinical psychologist, explain how the onset of psychosis may be prevented or delayed in high-risk youths and describe some of the research which is currently [...]

Generation Next at your school

We are currently in the process of planning the 2010 Generation Next series. Thanks to your feedback we have learned a lot of lessons about how best to run the events and use the limited financial and other resources available to us. Importantly, in 2010 we would like to explore the possibility of running the [...]

Book recommendation: Getting Real

Prominent Australian author and speaker Melinda Tankard Reist recently published a collection of essays on the topics of the sexualisation of girls in Australia. This important book features articles from author Steve Biddulph, Playschool presenter Noni Hazlehurst and Generation Next speaker Julie Gale. We strongly recommend this book and invite you to leave your comments [...]

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