
5 Australian books that can help young people understand their place in the world

Alfred Tatum, a US education professor specialising in literacy for African American boys, coined the term “bookprint”. He said it’s something we all have – a list of books that have impacted how we see ourselves and the world. What we read matters. Reading shapes the way we see the world, increases our understanding of [...]

By |2020-02-10T16:05:05+11:00February 10th, 2020|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

beyondblue App Helps Keep Exam Stress At Bay

All through her VCE year, Emma Missen felt like she was drowning. A high achiever, Ms Missen had won a scholarship to her private school and felt under pressure to perform well in the exams. Those close to her knew what she was going through, but most friends at school had no clue. "I think it would [...]

Youngtown Primary School Gets a Lesson in Resilience

Teachers, parents and students at Youngtown Primary School had a lesson in resilience this week in an effort to improve student relationships, learning capabilities and well-being. Educational consultant, John Hendry OAM from Geelong Grammer, conducted sessions focused on forgiveness, hope, integrity, compassion and trust, to help the school develop their strategy towards empowerment measures. On Thursday Mr [...]

FOMO: What’s the Psychology Behind the Fear of Missing Out?

free-stock-illustration The fear of missing out is an old, actually an ancient fear, being triggered by the newest form of communication: social media. Our survival as an individual within a tribe, and thus our survival as a species, once hinged on our being aware of threats both to ourselves and to the larger group. [...]

Parenting, Rites of Passage and Technology

In a time of unlimited opportunities more young people than ever have mental health issues. How can it be that the western world is more technologically advanced than ever and yet at the most basic level of supporting our young adults we are in major crisis? At the same time as we have the entire globe digitally connected [...]

Calling Out To The Gen Next community!

2014 circuit evaluation   Our Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People seminar circuit has drawn to a close for 2014! So thank you to everyone who managed to join us this year! We had a brilliant time out on the road and we feel very proud about the quality of our 2014 circuit, and [...]

By |2014-08-12T15:44:52+10:00August 12th, 2014|Categories: Technology|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Is Your School Reaching Every Kid?

Last year, Gallup surveyed 7000 students in Years 5-12 in 36 schools across six states. The survey found that students become less engaged as they make their way through school and only 1 in 3 believe they will find a good job when they leave school. Gallup said this reflected a lack of hope. Overall, [...]

10 minute activist: Walk away from violence and make your voice heard

We’ve all seen the footage of violence erupting in the city on a Saturday night, or the increasing violence in public places such as train stations. The police are trying to contain and defuse it, hospitals are treating it and the families and friends of victims are trying to come to terms with it. But [...]

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