
More US Teens May Be Facing Depression: Here’s Why

Pixabay Images Across the U.S., there's been an uptick in the percentage of teens who are having episodes of depression, a new report finds. Overall, the national percentage of teens who had major depressive episodes in the 2013-2014 report was 11 percent, up from 9.9 percent in the 2012-2013 report, the researchers found. [...]

From Ketamine To Cupboard Therapy: The Future Of Mental Health Treatment

Pixabay Images Once upon a time, the future of mental health treatment was drugs. The advent of Prozac and whole class of similar medication in the 1990s gave doctors an easy option and big pharma easy money. But 20 years on, the problems have not gone away. In fact, mental illness is much more [...]

Simple Blood Test May Detect Suicide Marker

Pixabay Images Australian scientists believe they have found evidence for a potential suicide marker they hope will lead to new tests and treatments for depression. “We have known for a long time that people who attempt suicide have markers of chronic inflammation in their blood and spinal fluid,” Professor Guillemin said. “Commonly used [...]

What Is Behaviour Activation For Depression?

Flikr Images A recent study from the United Kingdom found a simple form of therapy called behavioural activation (BA) is as effective in treating depression as more complex psychological treatments and even medication. So, how does BA work and what is the relationship between behaviour and emotions? What we do affects how we [...]

This Is What I Live With: How Anxiety Affects The Everyday Life of 1 In 4 Australians

Flikr Images For some it starts with chest pains and a shortage of breath. For others, worried thoughts and images repeatedly flood the brain. The symptoms of anxiety are profound and diverse but they each have a common theme -- the ability to interfere and stop a person from living a normal life. [...]

The Global Community Is Failing To Address Mental Health

Pixabay Images When it comes to mental health, the global health community has failed. Mental, neurological, and substance-use disorders are among the leading causes of the global burden of disease. By 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of disability. Suicide is a leading cause of death among adolescents. People with severe [...]

Do Vitamins And Supplements Make Antidepressants More Effective?

Pixabay Images The multibillion-dollar supplement industry spews many dubious claims, but a new study suggests that some nutritional supplements, including omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, may boost the effectiveness of antidepressants. If so, the supplements might help relieve symptoms for the millions of people who don’t immediately respond to these drugs. The [...]

Should Happiness Be Part Of The School Curriculum?

Pixabay Images Meditation is just one strand of new “positive education” methods starting to build momentum and gravitas in schools. The key idea is to teach good practices such as mindfulness and gratitude that will promote resilience and, it is thought, help children lead healthier psychological lives. Until recently, these might have been [...]

New Study Of High-risk Teens Reveals A Biological Pathway For Depression

Pixabay Images A long line of research links poverty and depression. Now, a study by Duke University scientists shows how biology might underlie the depression experienced by high-risk adolescents whose families are socio-economically disadvantaged. The study, published May 24, 2016 in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, combined genetics, brain imaging and behavioral data gathered [...]

How To Help Someone Who Shares Suicidal Feelings Online

Flikr Images Facebook recently updated an important tool designed to help users support friends expressing suicidal thoughts and behavior. The product, now available to every Facebook user, dispels the pervasive and dangerous myth that people who experience suicidal feelings are beyond help while also showing bystanders exactly how they can make a difference. Though Facebook is [...]

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