
Both Talk Therapy and Medication May Be Less Effective for Depression The benefits of talk therapy for depression have been overstated in the scientific literature, according to a study in the journal PLOS ONE. The finding comes several years after a similar study reached the same conclusion about antidepressant drugs. Both talk therapy and antidepressant drugs "are efficacious," says Steven Hollon, a professor [...]

Young Goths ‘at Risk of Depression’ Young people who identify as goths may be at increased risk of depression and self-harm, a study suggests. Researchers could not fully explain the link, but suggest a tendency for goths to distance themselves from society could play a part. - Smitha Mundasad Source: Young goths 'at risk of depression' - BBC [...]

The Anxiety Epidemic: Why Are UK Children So Unhappy?, SPL Teachers are to take the extraordinary step of calling for an independent Royal Commission to investigate why so many of Britain's children are unhappy. The unprecedented move by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers follows a welter of evidence highlighting the fragile states of mind of many of the country's seven [...]

By |2015-08-31T11:02:21+10:00August 31st, 2015|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Depression Not Contagious, But Happiness Spreads Among Friends

Teenagers with depression who have a good circle of healthy-minded friends are double as likely to recover from the condition within 6 to 12 months. Photo by SpeedKingz/Shutterstock Researchers found that while depression does not spread among friends, happiness is contagious in circles of friends and may be the key to treating and [...]

The Placebo Effect Placebos are drugs or other sources of treatment that are physically and pharmacologically inert, without any direct therapeutic effects. The neurobiological mechanisms of the placebo effect remain a matter of great research interest. The placebo response is a set of complex psycho-neurobiological mechanisms; it is believed that verbal suggestions and conditioning cues [...]

By |2015-08-27T15:30:50+10:00August 27th, 2015|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

9 Factors You Can Control May Be Key to Alzheimer’s Risk Up to two-thirds of Alzheimer's cases worldwide may stem from any of nine conditions that often result from lifestyle choices, a broad research review suggests. Those include obesity (specifically, high body mass index, an indication of obesity, in midlife); carotid artery disease, in which plaque buildup narrows major neck arteries and slows [...]

Is There Anything Actually ‘Medical’ about Medical Marijuana?

Some evidence shows it helps with pain and other problems, but obstacles to research are slowing further insights. - Aaron E. Carroll Source: Is There Anything Actually ‘Medical’ About Medical Marijuana? - The New York Times

Let’s Talk about Mental Health

A few years ago, I felt as though my life had collapsed, and I fell into a severe depression. I lost the ability to stand up for myself, I backed away from conflict, I didn't believe in myself and I was afraid of what people thought of me. It was not long before I lost [...]

The Strange Link between Junk Food and Depression

Some—but not all—sugars were associated with depressive disorders Of our many modern diseases, one of the biggest burdens on society is an unexpected one: depression, according to the World Health Organization. And what we eat may be contributing, finds a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. James E. Gangwisch, PhD, assistant [...]

Patients with Recurrent Depression Have Smaller Hippocampi

The brains of people with recurrent depression have a significantly smaller hippocampus (the part of the brain most associated with forming new memories) than healthy individuals, according to a study of nearly 9,000 people called the ENIGMA study. - News Staff Source: Patients With Recurrent Depression Have Smaller Hippocampi

By |2015-07-06T14:11:42+10:00July 5th, 2015|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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