
Depression ‘second leading cause of disability worldwide’

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America states that major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability in the US. Now, new research has revealed that it is the second leading cause of disability worldwide. - Honor Whiteman via Depression 'second leading cause of disability worldwide' - Medical News Today.

Teaching Students To Face Their Anxiety

Teaching young women how to face their fears is succeeding in reducing anxiety and depression among Sydney schoolgirls. Macquarie University is tracking 2000 teenage girls for four years to identify which genetic, environmental and cognitive factors influence the development of anxiety and depression, and what works to prevent these conditions. Anxiety and depression are the [...]

Schools Call For Help On Alcohol

Principals reported that student use of alcohol outside of school time was the third most important student issue they had to deal with – only depression and cyber bullying were more significant. This demonstrates that alcohol remains a big problem for school students even when their overall rates of drinking are in decline. Alcohol problems [...]

Severe depression linked to increased aging process

New research suggests that people suffering from major depressive disorder may age significantly faster, compared with people who do not suffer from depression. This is according to a study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry. Severe depression linked to increased aging process - Medical News Today.

How to Treat Depression When Psychiatrists Are Scarce

In a rigorous study in Goa, India, Patel found that young women could learn basic psychotherapy skills and go on to help people with depression at least as well as local clinics would have. Now he’s advising the Indian government on incorpor­ating these lay counselors into the national health system. We talked to Patel about [...]

Maternal Depression May Affect Infant Development

New research finds that depression among pregnant women may have an impact on their developing babies. Experts have observed that children of depressed parents are at an increased risk of developing depression themselves — presumably a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. These children also display alterations in the amygdala, a brain structure important [...]

Immune system may play crucial role in mental health

A growing body of research on conditions from bipolar disorder to schizophrenia to depression is starting to suggest a tighter link than was previously realized between ailments of the mind and body. Activation of the immune system seems to play a crucial role in both."We just didn't understand how much of a role the immune [...]

Drugs, depression and dealing with embarrassing parents: Girlfriend November 2013

Melinda Tankard Reist Girlfriend and Dolly can be commended this year for taking strong stands on alcohol and drugs. This issue of GF is no exception, with ‘The High Life’ exploring the harms of smoking marijuana. When celebs boast about it – such as Miley Cyrus posting a photo of herself smoking pot with the [...]

How Casual Sex Can Lead To Mental Health Issues Later

Poor mental health and casual sex contribute to each other over time among teen and young adults, a new study published in the Journal of Sex finds. Researchers at Ohio State University found that teens who showed symptoms of being depressed were more likely than others to have casual sex. It also discovered an inverse [...]

Sleep Therapy Seen as an Aid for Depression

Curing insomnia in people with depression could double their chance of a full recovery, scientists are reporting. The findings, based on an insomnia treatment that uses talk therapy rather than drugs, are the first to emerge from a series of closely watched studies of sleep and depression to be released in the coming year. via [...]

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