
Girl Mag Watch Dolly August 2013

Girl Mag Watch Opening Up About Self-Harm: Dolly August 2013 Melinda Tankard Reist As is often the case, I find the most helpful offering for girls in teen girl magazines can be found in the shared experiences of the girls themselves. A passion of mine is opening up safe spaces for girls to talk about [...]

That gut feeling

The days of analyzing a patient's gut bacteria to treat her depression or anxiety are probably far away. Still, scientists following this line of research have become increasingly convinced that to fully understand our emotions and behaviors, we need to study the gut as much as the brain. via That gut feeling.

Do you REALLY need antidepressants? Brain scan can tell whether medication or therapy is best option for depression

Dr Helen Mayberg at Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia, in the U.S., studied brain scans to look for clues about what happens in the brain when someone is depressed and how different treatments affect brain activity. She used PET scans to measure brain glucose metabolism, an important index of brain function, and found that scan [...]

SPARX: The game that treats depression finds a publisher, planned for this fall

SPARX — a fantasy role-playing game designed by the University of Auckland to teach young people with depression how to manage and overcome their condition — has found a publisher and distributor, it was announced today. The game first came to the attention of the public when a clinical trial involving it was published in [...]

Infections May Make Us More Vulnerable to Depression

Having been hospitalized for an infection increased one's risk of later developing a mood disorder by 62 percent. As patients acquired more infections, their odds of developing a mood disorder increased proportionally: five hospitalizations for infections increased their risk by almost five times. The association remained significant over 15 years after the infection was treated. [...]

Girl Mag Watch – Real life stories that bring you to tears

Girlfriend June 2013 “Why are you crying mum?” “Because I’m reading Girlfriend”. An unexpected response, perhaps, from an (allegedly) grown woman. But a story in the latest issue did me in. ‘Real Life Stories’ – which I have always appreciated for giving space to the raw realities of so many girls lives – opens with [...]

10 Things Not to Say to a Depressed Person

Here are 10 things you definitely don’t want to say, a collection of the gems that I heard when well-intentioned people opened their mouths and said something really stupid to me the two years I was in sorry shape.     1. It’s all in your head. You need to think positive. While optimism is [...]

Study Finds Link Between Depression And Unsupportive Spouses

When it comes to your mental health, it's true that being alone is better than being in bad company, according to a new study from the University of Michigan. Psychiatrist Dr. Alan Teo, who led the study, found that people with unsupportive or critical spouses were significantly more likely to be depressed than people who [...]

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