
4 foundation stones to building positive thinking and resilience

Is your cup half empty or half full? Experts say that it is not so much what happens to us but what we think about what happens to us that determines how we feel. This is important when teaching children resilience and how to handle life’s challenges. Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist and Generation [...]

Prejudice and depression

Although depression and prejudice traditionally fall into different areas of study and treatment, a new article suggests that many cases of depression may be caused by prejudice from the self or from another person. In an article published in the September 2012 issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological [...]

By |2012-09-21T17:00:32+10:00September 20th, 2012|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Science & Research|Tags: , , |0 Comments

New study says friends the key to childrens’ happiness

FRIENDS are the key to kids' happiness, trumping families and toys as a source of joy, new research reveals. Girls are more cheerful than boys - but happiness starts to dive from the age of nine, when children become as miserable as the elderly and sick. Unhappiness among tweenagers has become so acute that schools [...]

By |2012-09-24T16:35:24+10:00September 16th, 2012|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Society & Culture|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

10 minute activist: Reality is beautiful; tell Cleo to stop airbrushing images

Jessica Barlow, a 20 your old student in Melbourne has got the ball rolling by setting up a petition to demand that magazines like Cleo and Cosmopolitan stop altering the images they feature in photo spreads because of the damage it can cause to young girls by increasing any body image issues that they might [...]

Sadness or depression? 10 differences

Here are 10 questions to ask yourself to help determine if your sadness could be depression. If you have any concern about your mental health, always check with a professional. Do you have unexpected, intense sadness that lasts longer than a few days at a time? Unless a major life change, such as an illness, divorce, or loss [...]

How to help teens with computer game addiction

90% of children play computer games. 10% of them are addicted. The dangers of computers games have been in the news again recently with the death of a teenager in Taiwan after playing for 40 hours straight without refreshments or leaving the computer. Internet computer games have and addictive dimension to them that some young [...]

Music Or Books? Teen’s Choice Linked To Depression

Teenagers who whittle away their time listening to music are far more likely to suffer from depression than those who spend more time consuming other media, including books, say the authors of a new study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The researchers called 106 adolescents - 46 of whom had been diagnosed [...]

The price of affluence: New research shows that privileged teens may be more self-centered–and depressed–than ever before

In a series of studies, Luthar found that adolescents reared in suburban homes with an average family income of $120,000 report higher rates of depression, anxiety and substance abuse than any other socioeconomic group of young Americans today. via The price of affluence: New research shows that privileged teens may be more self-centered--and depressed--than ever [...]

Parental Stress Linked To Childrens Depression

Children today are more depressed than they were at the height of the Great Depression, researchers say, and second-hand stress is a major culprit.One survey of 1000 children in West Australia, found 35 per cent of the respondents had "too much stress" in their lives and highlighted family conflict as a significant source of this [...]

Hitting, slapping tied to later mental disorders

People who remember being pushed, slapped and hit as children are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, anxiety and personality disorders later in life, a new study suggests.   Canadian researchers estimated between two and seven percent of those mental disorders might be due to punishments inflicted in childhood, not including more severe forms [...]

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