
Australian develops app to help manage eating disorders

Image Source: Sydney Morning Herald The world of online apps is not just a playground for games and music. It also has a serious side that is beginning to have a positive effect within our community.  Australians are turning their attention to social needs and creating apps that help people. This includes Sydney [...]

Stress and Wellbeing in Australia Survey 2011

Summary of key findings 12% of Australians reported experiencing levels of stress in the severe range. Young adults reported experiencing significantly higher levels of stress and significantly lower levels of wellbeing than the general population. 1 in 3 Australians reported experiencing depressive symptoms with 10% of these being in the severe range. 1 in 4 Australians reported experiencing anxiety [...]

Science discovers the naughty gene

For many children, naming an emotion or behaviour helps them to process that feeling or experience. However, naming a gene that might explain the hostile and destructive behaviour displayed by some pre-teenagers might be of little consolation to many parents. It might give them a better understanding or a peg on which to hang the [...]

BPA Plastic Byproducts in the Womb Linked with Emotional Problems in Toddlers

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a byproduct of plastics that are used for food and drink packaging.  There is growing concern that exposure to BPA may have adverse health effects especially in children. This study assessed the association of BPA exposure on young children while they were still in the womb (ie during gestation). and found [...]

Self harm part of life for many teenagers

10% of girls self harm* Image Source: Youthbeyondblue A recent study published in The Lancet, The natural history of self-harm from adolescence to young adulthood: a population-based cohort study, took a group of 1,943 young people from 44 schools in Victoria and documented their lives from the age of 14 to 29 years old. During [...]

  Many schools and other organisations will go through the experience of having one of their young people attempt or complete a suicide. All people can help young people experiencing suicidal thoughts by providing emotional and practical support. Here's a useful website that offers practical advice about warning signs, intervention strategies, triggers, myths and facts. [...]

Study: Youths who self-harm will seek help online

Only 10% of young people who self-harm will present for hospital treatment*. Psychmined is a UK website set up for people who work in psychology, psychiatry and mental health. It recently conducted a study of Sharp Talk, which is an online discussion group that has been set up in the UK to support young people [...]

2012 Seminars: Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars

Generation Next is hosting a series of Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars around Australia during 2012. Generation Next brings together Australia’s Leading Experts on Children & Teenagers in one Event to give education and health professionals a seminar series and supporting resources aimed at protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of our children and teenagers. The [...]

Lack of sleep is harming kids development

Children's bed time is getting later and later. The old rule of no TV during the week and early nights because of school the next morning no longer seem to apply. With the distractions of TV, computer games, internet, texting friends and Facebook, many children are staying up way past their bedtime. When children sleep [...]

Too much too soon is destroying the childhood of many

A stand has been taken in the UK by leading academics, teachers, authors and charity leaders who have come together to urge the Government against what they say is an attack on children’s wellbeing and mental health due to the pressures of modern life. They have written to British newspaper The Telegraph asking the Government [...]

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