
Coffee combats depression

Caffeine is the world's most widely used central nervous system stimulant. For many women their day doesn’t really kick into action until they have had their morning cup of coffee. Only then can they launch into action and attempt the multi tasking that is required to get through the day. 50,000 middle-aged women took part [...]

Forget IQ: it’s Emotional Intelligence that helps kids settle at school

At the heart of the matter, all every parents really wants is for their child is for them to be the best person they can be. Unfortunately so often pressures from society can often make parents feel that this means a child must excel academically. However it now seems that social and emotional learning (SEL) [...]

Headmaster takes a stand against Facebook to protect pupils

A school principal fed up with cyber-bullying has used his usually sedate newsletter column to send a blunt message to parents. “GET YOUR KIDS OFF FACEBOOK. This verbal sewer is harming your children”. This is the warning sent by headmaster Chris Duncan of  Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, in Tweed Heads who used the school newsletter [...]

Seminar: The neurobiology of love and attachment

The Australian Childhood Foundation is presenting a series of seminars on Polyvagal theory, oxytocin and the neurobiology of love and attachment: Using the body’s social engagement system to promote recovery from experiences of threat, stress and trauma. WHEN AND WHERE SYDNEY: Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour. 18 & 19 October 2011 BRISBANE: Mercure Hotel Brisbane. [...]

Tips for tackling workplace depression

55% of people who suffer work related stress take 5 or more sick days in a row.* New research that will be published later this year took 3,000 workers and explored their mental health issues. They found that about 20% of the working population experience mild depression. These workers took twice as many sick days [...]

UNICEF call for greater care for our teenagers

18% of world’s population are between 10 and 19 years old* The targets set by the UN Millennium Development Goals in 2000 focused on young children; however UNICEF’s annual State of the World’s Children report highlights the more pressing need that is currently being experienced by adolescents worldwide. This comes as new figures show that [...]

Facebook doesn’t teach teenagers how to read emotions

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests extended periods of time spent on the internet and social network sites will ultimately affect how a young person’s developing brain works. UK neurologist and Oxford University scientist, Baroness Susan Greenfield has coined the term ‘mind change’ to explain these changes. She told the National Press [...]

Seminar: Out of the Shed – Men, boys and mental health

Where:  The Events Centre, 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra, QLD Phone: 07 5491 4240 When: Thursday  July 21 & Friday July 22 For details about this seminar go to Out of the Shed.  Keynote speakers include: Steve Biddulph - author The Road to Manhood Professor Patrick McGorry -  AO Orygen Youth Health and 2010 Australian of [...]

Seminar: Resilient Kids 2011

Australia’s leading resilience experts in one event. A unique combination of lectures and focused workshops presented by Australia’s leading resilience experts to provide you with the knowledge and skills to implement resilience in your own professional environment. This one day seminar is to be held in Brisbane at the Southbank Institute of Technology, on Friday 16th [...]

Depression tops mental health issues

26% of young people in Australia experience mental health issues, including depression each year. Dr Thomas Insel, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health in Washington DC, recently told the National Health and Medical Research Council in Canberra that Australia was ten years ahead of America in mental health reform, particularly in early intervention [...]

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