
Growing global concerns for young people’s health and wellbeing

A recent study published in The Lancet, Global burden of disease in young people aged 10—24 years: a systematic analysis, looked at the burden of disease, injury and death in young people worldwide. Although young people make up 27% of the world’s population not much is known about their contribution to the global burden of [...]

Porn sites prey on anorexic teenagers

84% of Pro-ana sites feature thinspiration: images or video montages of slim women, often celebrities, who may be anything from naturally slim to emaciated with visibly-protruding bones.* People, especially young people, who suffer from any sort of eating disorder, are extremely vulnerable. They are not only physically weakened by malnutrition but they are also mentally [...]

Smoking pot can lead to mental health issues

Many people, including regular cannabis users, argue that there is no link between using cannabis and the onset of mental health issues later in life. However a longitudinal study spanning 10 years has now shown that new users of cannabis, especially young people, are more likely to develop psychotic symptoms than those who never used [...]

Protect our kids: Say No to child beauty pageants in Australia

Child beauty pageant company Universal Royalty Beauty Pageant is planning to hold a 'Child Beauty Pageant' in Melbourne, Australia, in July. Many psychologists and child development authorities agree that child beauty pageants are not in the best interest of healthy child development. A study conducted by Anna Wonderlich (2005) in the Journal of Treatment [...]

Want to live longer? Keep your cup half full

A review recently undertaken by psychology Professor Ed Diener of the University of Illinois in America, has reported that people with a more relaxed disposition and who see their cup as 'half full' rather than half empty, are more likely to live longer, happier and less stressed lives. The review of more than 160 studies [...]

Seminar: The Right to Childhood 2011

A number of concerned organisations and experts have come together to hold a forum called  Right2childhood  to examine the convergence of sex, violence, media, commerce and popular culture. It explores the impact on our children and what we can do about it.  When: 9am-5pm, Friday, April 29, 2011 Where: Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney CBD Many child development [...]

Seminar – The Body Remembers: Practical therapeutic applications of the neurobiology of trauma

Following recent events around Australia including the fires in WA, the floods in VIC and cyclone Yasi in QLD there will be many young people who have experienced traumatic events. Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS) can develop after exposure to traumatic experiences(s) and results from an imbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the Autonomic Nervous [...]

Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars respond to QLD catastrophe by helping young people in 'disaster recovery'

The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People Brisbane, Gold Coast & Canberra Supported by: Beyondblue headspace Australian Communication and Media Authority National Cannabis Information and Prevenntion Centre Collective Shout ACER Please note that due to the floods in Queensland there have been some changes to the schedules and locations. We have also worked with [...]

Tips for telling if someone you know is doing drugs

If you suspect that someone you know or love is taking drugs then there are some signs and symptoms to look out for. There are many reasons why people get involved with drugs; many will need professional help in order to overcome their addiction. Here are some tips on what to look for and where [...]

Youthbeyondblue talks: Tackling depression and anxiety in young people

Adolescence is a time of change and it can be hard to tell the difference between "normal" teenage behaviour, and depression and anxiety. One in six young people in Australia has an anxiety disorder and around one in 16 has depression, so the chances are we all know someone who has been affected by these [...]

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