
youthbeyondblue talks: Tom's story

“My stress levels were blown way out of proportion compared to what was actually happening in my life.” beyondblue youth ambassador Tom Rust, aged 21. Tom Rust’s family knew something was wrong, but they attributed the dramatic change in his behaviour to the pressures of his last year at school. And by his own admission, [...]

Sexually abused children more likely to develop schizophrenia later

A new Australian study 'Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders in a Cohort of Sexually Abused Children' published in the Archives of General Psychiatry has found that children who are subjected to sexual abuse are more than twice as likely to suffer from schizophrenia later in life. Professor Louise Newman, director of Monash University’s Centre for Developmental Psychiatry [...]

Generation Next Seminars 2011: Mental Health Professional events

For Education, Health and Welfare Professionals. Generation Next is an exciting new initiative featuring a national seminar series and supporting resources aimed at protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of our children and teenagers. Dr Manocha has developed Generation Next in close consultation with leading experts to help address the rising tide of mental, social and [...]

Self-harm more common than we realise

1.1% have self-injured recently, of these 40.6% cut themselves 39.8% inflicted scratching injuries on themselves*  A national survey published online in The Medical Journal of Australia has found that self-harming is more prevalent in Australia than previously thought.  The survey, carried out by researchers at the University of Queensland, questioned over 12,000 people, male and female aged [...]

Youthbeyondblue talks: Schoolies week and drinking

Don’t drink too much during schoolies celebrations With Schoolies celebrations fast approaching, it is important to know the facts and risks about drinking, depression and anxiety. For young people, drinking may seem like a good way to take their minds off things, particularly if they’re feeling depressed or anxious. But alcohol affects mental health as [...]

youthbeyondblue talks: Dealing with stress at exam time

With exams either underway or coming up, teenagers will be feeling the heat over the next few weeks. Many may become stressed, so it's a good idea to keep an eye on them and ensure that the stress doesn't lead to other problems, including depression. When we talk about being stressed, it usually means we [...]

Practical steps to help a young person if you suspect they have an eating issue

Melinda Hutchings, Eating Disorders expert, author of Why Can’t I Look the Way I Want? Overcoming Eating Issues, and Generation Next speaker has practical advice and help for people who suspect they know a young person with eating issues. She says “by recognising the early warning signs and stopping an eating issue in its tracks, [...]

Anxiety and Depression Awareness month: Video blogs

October is Anxiety and Depression Awareness month. To highlight the effect both depression and anxiety can have on young people’s lives beyondblue has created a series of fictional video blogs about young people experiencing depression and anxiety. They can be viewed on YouTube. The blogs were inspired by real stories posted on the Youthbeyondblue online [...]

Net Savvy: The Resilience Foundation

The Resilience Foundation October is Anxiety and Depression Awareness month. Raising our resilience has become a recognised way of helping to combat the many issues which are associated with anxiety and depression. The Resilience Foundation is a not for profit organisation to create wellbeing in young people, their families and their communities. Clinical psychologist and [...]

What’s causing the decline in the health and wellbeing of young people?

Contrary to the opinion of leading health organisations, the health and wellbeing of young Australians is declining while mental health issues are on the rise. This is the finding of Richard Eckersley author of the report Never Better, or getting worse? The health and wellbeing of young Australians. The report explores patterns and trends around the [...]

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