
Youthbeyondblue talks: support Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month

beyondblue’s Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month each October is a chance for people from all walks of life to raise awareness of depression and anxiety – and to help reduce the stigma that can often prevent people from getting help.  Now in its fourth year, Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month has become an important mental [...]

New teaching aid DVD Your Shout discusses the harms of teenage drinking

90% of teenagers have tried alcohol by 15 years of age 20% of teenagers regularly drink at harmful levels A new DVD Your Shout will shortly be introduced into schools around Australia as a teaching aid to help staff discuss the impact drinking has on young people. The DVD features teenagers talking about their experiences [...]

youthbeyondblue talks: what really works for young people with depression?

beyondblue: the national depression initiative and Orygen Youth Health Research Centre at The University of Melbourne have joined forces to produce a booklet to help young people find which treatments for depression work and which don’t. What Works for Depression in Young People reviews more than 30 treatment options and rates each one against the [...]

Net Savvy: headspace – National Youth Mental Health Foundation

The headspace website is designed for parents, carers, teachers and professionals who work with young people. It deals with a range of issues that affect the youth of today including: Mental Health Drugs and Alcohol Cyberbullying Health and Wellbeing Research and useful links Parents and carers Getting Help Videos The site also features several videos [...]

Youthbeyondblue talks: Online counselling

Online counselling is another way to get help for depression and anxiety. There are many self-help internet-based programs available in Australia that are aimed at helping people better manage depression, anxiety and related illnesses.  To help people find these programs and services, beyondblue: the national depression initiative has put together a directory of e-mental Health [...]

Report finds young men most likely to have alcohol abuse problems

The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) at the University of New South Wales has released its findings from a study that examined data from the 2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. This survey interviewed 9,000 Australians aged 16-85 years of age.  The report is ground breaking in that it provides the [...]

To medicate or not to medicate, that is the question?

25% of young people aged 16-24 experience mental health problems 75% of young people hospitalised in 2007-2008 was due to mental and behavioural disorders 30,706 young people were prescribed antidepressants in 2008* The growing pressures associated with teenage years is increasing and taking its toll on the young people of today;  life is complicated and [...]

Youthbeyondblue: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

In Australia, anxiety disorders are common. One in 25 teenagers (13-17 years old) experiences anxiety disorders in any given year. Anxiety is not the same as depression, although the two conditions share many causes and some symptoms often occur together. There are six main types of anxiety disorders, including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. What is Obsessive [...]

Youthbeyondblue: Your Mental Health

When people talk about ‘mental health’ they’re referring to the health of your mind and this also includes how you feel about yourself and how easily you cope with problems. When you are experiencing good mental health, it makes it easier for you to enjoy day-to-day activities and the world around you. Your mental health [...]

Youthbeyondblue tackles the tough questions

Youthbeyondblue has a range of free fact sheets available to download from the Youthbeyondblue website. The fact sheets don’t sugar-coat the issues or contain medical jargon – just plain, easy-to-understand facts about problems people commonly experience as a part of growing up. Topics range from depression and anxiety disorders (signs, symptoms and available treatment and [...]

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