
Generation Next Seminars for 2010

The articles and blogs by Generation Next are posted to help protect our youth. Each Generation Next newsletter goes out to over 10,000 subscribers nationally. Subscribe to the Generation Next Newsletter. We hope that you, your organization and Generation Next can work together to highlight the many risk factors emerging in our modern society that threaten the [...]

Cutting – a symptom or a mental health issue?

The term ‘cutting’ refers to the widespread practice of cutting yourself with a sharp object with the purpose of injuring and scaring  the skin. Although it is not much talked about in the media, this form of self harm has a growing following within the teenage population, especially girls. It is also alarming that tweens are beginning [...]

Bullying linked to health problems in later life

A South Australian study has linked bullying to mental and psychosomatic health problems including headaches, anxiety and abdominal pain. The study of over 2,800 adults found that nearly 20% reported having experienced bullying at school, and those who reported being bullied reported poorer physical and mental health then those who had not been bullied. The [...]

Study: insufficient sleep linked to depression in adolescents

An American study has linked insufficient sleep to depression in adolescents. The study of over 15,000 adolescents in years 7-12 looked at the relationship between set bedtimes and sleep duration and depression. The study found that teens who went to bed after midnight were 24% more likely to suffer from depression and 20% more likely [...]

What can I do to help someone who is depressed?

People who are depressed are not always easy to help because often they are disinterested, lack energy and motivation, can be irritable, and may not see the point of doing anything. Some people are not used to talking much – especially about themselves, so getting a conversation started can be difficult. Useful tips for helping [...]

Study links internet addiction to self harm

An Australian study published today has linked internet addiction to self harm. The survey of over 1,600 13- to 18-year-olds found that the students who reported signs of moderate to severe internet addiction were twice as likely to report some form of self harm. The study found that one in six of the students surveyed [...]

National survey reveals concerns of the youth

The results of the largest annual survey of young people in Australia were released yesterday by Mission Australia. The National Survey of Young Australians 2009 obtained the views of almost 48,000 young people across Australia and found that the young people rank drugs, suicide and body image as the most concerning issues they face. The [...]

Guest Post: Preventing the Transition to Psychosis in Youths

In this guest post, Dr Jackie Curtis, a psychiatrist who actively works with young people with mental health problems at the Prince of Wales Hospital, and Dr Georgie Paulik, a clinical psychologist, explain how the onset of psychosis may be prevented or delayed in high-risk youths and describe some of the research which is currently [...]

Generation Next at your school

We are currently in the process of planning the 2010 Generation Next series. Thanks to your feedback we have learned a lot of lessons about how best to run the events and use the limited financial and other resources available to us. Importantly, in 2010 we would like to explore the possibility of running the [...]

A message from Julie Gale

Issues like the sexualisation and abuse of children aren't humorous. They are serious. The Cotton On store declared in August that it would remove inappropriate slogan t-shirts after public pressure from around Australia and New Zealand - including comments from child development professionals, calling for the removal of the slogan t-shirts. Today in The Herald [...]

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