
10 Things People with Depression Need to Do Every Day

Don't allow yourself to be limited by your depression. Yes, you are depressed. I know that place way too well, and I work my butt off to stay out of the D-zone. Here are ten little things that will give you a lift. You may not think you have the energy to do them, but, [...]

By |2021-03-02T16:26:34+11:00March 12th, 2018|Categories: Depression, Mental Health & Wellbeing|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Being Exposed to Light During Sleep Linked to Depression

It may be time to invest in some blackout curtains, according to new research. A study published recently in the American Journal of Epidemiology found a strong association between even low-level nighttime light exposure and depressive symptoms among elderly adults. The researchers measured nighttime light levels in the bedrooms of 863 elderly Japanese adults by placing ceiling-facing light [...]

Smart Phones Have Robbed Kids of Their Childhood

The year 2012 was the moment our kids lost their childhood. Recent research out of the United States reveals a sharp decrease in wellbeing among adolescents from 2012 onwards — the year when smartphone ownership became commonplace among teens. Using survey data from 1.1 million young people, the researchers found that adolescents who spent more time on [...]

Fashionable Anxiety

When stationery entrepreneur Jen Gotch and the heavyweights at jewellery brand Iconery sat together at a table, they decided to work towards ending the stigma around mental illness. Their intention in creating dainty ‘anxiety‘ and ‘depression‘ necklaces was, no doubt, admirable; Gotch is a popular businesswoman whose Instagram following of almost 200,000 was built upon candid [...]

By |2021-03-02T15:44:32+11:00March 12th, 2018|Categories: Anxiety, Depression|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Here’s How Witnessing Violence Harms Children’s Mental Health

When children learn about news like the deadly school shooting that claimed more than a dozen lives on 14 February 2018 in Broward County, Florida, a logical question for them to ask is: Will the same thing happen to me? As researchers and clinicians who have studied the problem of violence over the past three decades, we have [...]

The Real Reason Today’s Children Are So Unhappy

What is wrong with our children today? According to a joint report from The Black Dog Institute and Mission Australia, around one in four teenagers have experienced a "probable mental illness", which means one in five have had depression or anxiety or both. According to the same report, teenage girls are twice as likely as [...]

What Is High Functioning Depression – And Could You Have It?

On the outside, you’re highly productive, successful and motivated. You have a big group of friends, a great job and seem to have life all sorted out. But on the inside, you’re gripped by low self-worth and the pressure to be perfect. Sound familiar? This is the reality for those who have high functioning depression. They [...]

By |2021-03-02T15:54:01+11:00February 26th, 2018|Categories: Depression|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Eight Ways to Counteract a Dreary Day

When you're feeling down, it's sometimes difficult to pull yourself out of a hole.  But new research suggests that the climb out may not be as tough as it may seem. ACKNOWLEDGE: Words are powerful ways to change your emotions. Tagging what you are feeling with a descriptive word is more than just an explanation. Called [...]

Health Experts Ask Facebook to Shut Down Messenger Kids

A COALITION OF 97 child health advocates sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday asking him to discontinue Messenger Kids, a new advertising-free Facebook app targeted at 6-to-12-year olds. Advocates say the app likely will undermine healthy childhood development for preschool and elementary-school-aged kids by increasing the amount of time they spend with digital devices. The letter to [...]

New App for Depression Uses Artificial Intelligence

People with depression are counseled to see a therapist, but in-person therapy isn't always an option. A new chatbot app, Woebot, could be an alternative. Treating Depression According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression affects nearly 300 million people around the world. People of all ages can experience depression, a mental health disorder that not [...]

By |2021-03-02T15:56:28+11:00February 1st, 2018|Categories: Depression, Technology|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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