
Exercise can alter your DNA, study claims

Although inherited DNA genes cannot be changed, the way that genes express themselves can be altered by individual actions, it is said. A work out can positively affect the way cells interact with fat stored in the body, a new study published in the journal PLOS Genetics found. The genes have attached 'methyl groups' which [...]

Diet, exercise fight depression

The incidence of depression has skyrocketed in children and adults since World War II; depression affects about 10 percent of the population in the United States, and the World Health Organization predicts that by 2030, more people will suffer from depression than any other medical condition. Antidepressant medication use has also increased (to the tune [...]

Five foods to reduce stress

Some types of foods and key vitamins and minerals can help you unwind by boosting levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin, lowering blood pressure and reducing cortisol levels. The low-GI carbohydrates found in wholegrain breads, pasta, noodles and brown rice are among the best stress-busters. But here are five other types of food to calm [...]

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