
Generation Next: Special Update

Generation Next presents Australia’s leading experts on children and teenagers in one event. Generation Next is an exciting new initiative featuring a national seminar series and supporting resources aimed at protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of our children and teenagers. Generation Next has been developed in close consultation with leading experts in adolescent psychology, drug [...]

Book Review: What's Happening to Our Boys?

By Maggie Hamilton. AT RISK. How the new techologies, drugs and alcohol, peer pressure and porn affect our boys. Some of the material covered here is shocking, but its important to realise this is the toxic atmosphere many of our children encounter daily… When we understand what they’re up against, we can help bring about [...]

Recent Findings: The business of marketing unhealthy food to Children

Published in Journal Watch Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 2010. It is common practice for food companies to advertise to children by using cross-promotional agreements with other companies (to promote each other’s products); these include licensed characters, sports teams and theme parks. Many food companies team up with other companies to help them sell their food [...]

Generation Next Events for 2010: Special update

Topics presented at Generation Next events this year include: Bullying and School Violence Body Image and Eating Disorders Transition from Primary to High School Raunch Culture and the Media Teen Depression Cybersafety, and Resilience Featuring Australia’s most experienced leading experts, up to date important topics and practical advice in one event. Speakers include: Michael Carr-Gregg, Adolescent Psychologist Paul Dillon, [...]

Guest Post: The premature sexualisation of childhood.

By Julie Gale, Kids Free 2B Kids Director. The premature sexualisation of children and young teens is a global issue which has been increasing over the past decade. Our kids are inundated with confusing messages that serve to minimize what it means to be a whole well rounded human being. Popular culture encourages girls to [...]

Community Alcohol Action Network (CAAN) website

The Community Alcohol Action Network (CAAN) website has been set up to encourage changes in the drinking culture of Australians. It has many features including a regular e-newsletter "GrogWatch" that covers the latest research and trends in alcohol consumption and its effects when not consumed in moderation. The website also features informative articles under the heading [...]

The Story of Stuff – the bonds of commercialism that bind young people

It is becoming increasingly evident that children are being targeted by the media from a very young age. They are being encouraged to become consumers before they can walk, spell, read or write. How? Through advertising and strategically placed marketing campaigns. Australian author and Generation Next speaker, Maggie Hamilton points out in her book “What’s [...]

National Centre Against Bullying – latest recommendations

The National Centre Against Bullying (NCAB) conference held in Melbourne recently made the following recommendations: 1. Early Intervention There is a need to identify early (at pre-school and early primary school), those who may have peer relationship issues and implement appropriate programs. Additional focus is needed on pre-school education to prevent bullying and promote well being. There [...]

Seminar: The Mental Health & Wellbeing of Young People 2O1O

Generation Next and Healthed invites you to attend this highly informative and educational event. No other educational event brings together so many leading experts under one roof. This UNIQUE multi-disciplinary seminar  features leading experts who will present authoritative and practical information specifically relevant to the mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing of young people. The [...]

Teenagers eligible for lap-band surgery

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) has released new guidelines for lap-band surgery on teenagers. These new guidelines for bariatric surgery address issues specific to young people. RACP Fellow Professor Louise Baur, chair of the working party which developed the policy said, “...young people suffering severe obesity require high quality clinical services. We need [...]

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