emotional intelligence

Nine Steps To Forgiveness

From "Forgive for Good" (Harper Collins, 2002) By Frederic Luskin, Ph.D. 1. Know exactly how you feel about what happened and be able to articulate what about the situation is not OK. Then, tell a couple of trusted people about your experience. 2. Make a commitment to yourself to do what you have to do [...]

Emotional health in childhood ‘is the key to future happiness’

A child’s emotional health is far more important to their satisfaction levels as an adult than other factors, such as if they achieve academic success when young, or wealth when older. The authors explain that evaluating the quality of a child’s emotional health is based on analysing a range of internal factors in a person’s early [...]

Top four challenges of raising boys

Dealing with emotions One of the biggest challenges in raising boys is balancing out the social expectations and stereotypes. Dr Bronwyn Harman, psychology lecturer and families expert at Edith Cowan University, acknowledges that there is still a belief that boys will behave in one way and girls in another. "This is socially and culturally reinforced, [...]

Helping Children Avoid Depression

Today’s children are at a higher risk for depression than any previous generation. Almost one in 10 children will experience a major depressive episode by the time they are 14 years old, and almost one in five will experience a major depressive episode before graduating from high school. The good news is, there is apparently something that [...]

Judgement Call: Maturity, Emotions, And The Teenage Brain

Generation after generation, one thing parents can count on is being baffled or confused by their children’s behavior. While new generations of teenagers have access to things their parents did not--Google Glass and Apple’s newly announced iWatch could be the smartphones of tomorrow--this does not explain why teenagers, regardless of generation, continue to behave in [...]

The Neuroscience Of Emoticons

Our brains might be adapting to an emoticon-filled world by processing them differently. Today emoticons are so pervasive that behavioral science has taken an active interest in how people use them. Among the evidence (recently surveyedby Roni Jacobson at the great new Science of Usblog), we find that women use more emoticons than men, that using [...]

4 Ways Of Choosing Happiness From Within

What makes you happy?  Reflect on what you’ve done today. What do your behaviors say about your approach to happiness? These are the question I usually ask students on the first day of my psychology courses. Often, their responses sound something like this: food, shopping, a new car, a better job, money, sex, an honest spouse, [...]

5 Crucial Emotional Intelligence Traits Of Highly Effective Leaders

“No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” Theodore Roosevelt Over the last decade there has been a huge increase in evidence that emotional intelligence is an important factor in leadership. Numerous studies have shown a positive relationship between emotional intelligent leadership and employee satisfaction, retention and performance. As [...]

Is misused neuroscience defining early years?

Here's the thing: what if it's over-baked? What if the claims made for neuroscience are so extreme that most neuroscientists would disown them? What if the constant references to "brain scans of neglected children" actually just meant one brain scan, from one highly contested study? What if synaptic development were a bit more complicated than [...]

Are we opening the floodgates of racism and bigotry?

Under the proposed amendment to the Racial Discrimination Act released by the government today anyone can racially insult or humiliate someone as much as they like. With extraordinarily broad exemptions, it will also be virtually impossible to prosecute anyone who does meet the Government’s extremely high bar for racial vilification and intimidation. It is a [...]

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