
The Best Headspace For Making Decisions

Flickr Images Let’s say you’re making a hard choice, one that could impact your life significantly. Every time you think you've settled on something, the other option tugs you back to its side. You end up where you started: It's a draw. Should you make ever-more-detailed lists of pros and cons and seek [...]

The ‘Tyranny’ Of Positive Thinking Can Threaten Your Health And Happiness

Images: MichaelBlann/Getty Everyone has heard “Just look on the bright side!” or “Happiness is a choice—so choose to be happy!” Countless self-help books on choosing happiness line the shelves of bookstores; You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero has been on the New York Times best-seller list for 32 weeks; and The Power of [...]

7 Ways To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Pixabay Images Howard Gardner argued that instead of intelligence being a single ability, humans have the ability to develop multiple intelligences, nine to be exact. Some people have a natural proficiency in emotional or interpersonal intelligence; others have difficulty with this. Although this article focuses on one type of intelligence, I suggest for each [...]

7 Weird Facts About Empathy, Because It Depends On More Than You Think

Flickr Images Psychopathy is an area of psychological study that will forever fascinate the public, but the opposite end of the spectrum can be just as interesting. Over the course of decades, research has turned up all kinds of weird facts about empathy - where it's regulated, how it works, and what makes some [...]

What Is Behaviour Activation For Depression?

Flikr Images A recent study from the United Kingdom found a simple form of therapy called behavioural activation (BA) is as effective in treating depression as more complex psychological treatments and even medication. So, how does BA work and what is the relationship between behaviour and emotions? What we do affects how we [...]

People With Autism Can Read Emotions, Feel Empathy

Flikr Images There is a persistent stereotype that people with autism are individuals who lack empathy and cannot understand emotion. It’s true that many people with autism don’t show emotion in ways that people without the condition would recognise1. But the notion that people with autism generally lack empathy and cannot recognize feelings [...]

Our Sinister, Soul-sapping Happiness Industry

Pixabay Images On a recent sodden weekend walk, I tried to cheer myself up by thinking: it’s not so bad. Not the slugs or the sky or the rain making its way down a gap between neck and waterproof. But I couldn’t do it. Losing heart, I turned back. Glump, glump, glump through the [...]

Too Much Screen Time Worsen Kids’ Ability To Read Emotions

Getty Images Too much face-to-screen time and not enough face-to-face interaction could degrade kids' ability to read other people's emotions, a new study suggests. A team of researchers from UCLA discovered that a group of sixth graders who didn't use a phone, TV or computer for five days were much better at reading [...]

Dogs ‘Share Their Owners’ Emotions’ 

Photo: Oliver Rossi/Corbis, Stock Image When the animals are confronted with a human displaying strong feelings, they themselves produce a similar emotional response, the researchers found. The discovery could cast light on how dogs' pack behaviour has been translated into the modern world. Biomedical scientist Dr Karine Silva, of the University of Porto, [...]

Musical Frisson

wikipedia So what is a transcendent, psychophysiological moment of musical experience? Music has a unique power to elicit moments of intense emotional and psychophysiological response. These moments – termed “chills,” “thrills”, “frissons,” etc. – are subjects of introspection and philosophical debate, as well as scientific study in music perception and cognition. The present [...]

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