
Facebook, flow and why It’s so popular

Researchers studied emotional and related physiological changes while using facebook and concluded that many users experienced "Flow" during a facebook session. Flow is regarded as "an optimal experience" that people appreciate and seek out. The researchers concluded that the successful spread of social networking sites like Facebook might be linked to the positive emotional states associated with [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:13:02+10:00February 11th, 2012|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: |0 Comments

Headmaster takes a stand against Facebook to protect pupils

A school principal fed up with cyber-bullying has used his usually sedate newsletter column to send a blunt message to parents. “GET YOUR KIDS OFF FACEBOOK. This verbal sewer is harming your children”. This is the warning sent by headmaster Chris Duncan of  Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School, in Tweed Heads who used the school newsletter [...]

Facebook doesn’t teach teenagers how to read emotions

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests extended periods of time spent on the internet and social network sites will ultimately affect how a young person’s developing brain works. UK neurologist and Oxford University scientist, Baroness Susan Greenfield has coined the term ‘mind change’ to explain these changes. She told the National Press [...]

Cyber bullying reaches a new low

Young people have found a new way to indulge in cyber bullying. In doing so, they have reached an all time low. The latest craze seems to be something called a Root rater. Using social network sites young people are now humiliating, bullying and degrading others by making spiteful and nasty sexual comments. Root rater [...]

5 million people worldwide agree: ban sex offenders from social networking sites

A Facebook site created in Canada is calling for the banning of sex offenders on social networking sites and it has now reached 5 million members worldwide. On the site's discussion posts, several people talk of the horror of logging in and seeing a "friend suggestion" - generated by Facebook - of their abuser. The [...]

Facebook: the danger of too much information

Experts have been screaming about internet safety and the potential perils of cyber space for some time now. A recent case of a man in America, who took information from Facebook profiles and then hacked into women’s email accounts, highlights the dangers that are out there in virtual world. The most shocking thing about this [...]

Facebook places its users in danger

The possibility of having your identity stolen and then illicitly used is one step closer now the social networking site Facebook has given developers of applications access to the contact information of users who install their applications. Facebook issued an online statement saying "These permissions must be explicitly granted to your application by the user [...]

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