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Careless Teenagers

Brad and Fiona were just your typical 17 year olds. Brad worked at the local service station and Fiona didn’t work at school. Brad was out to prove his manhood and Fiona was out to prove to her friends that she wasn’t frigid and she could bed a man as well as the best of [...]

Sexting in the USA- New Survey Results

 The Crimes Against Children Research Center conducted two national surveys to develop a better understanding of sexting. The Third Youth Internet Safety Survey was a telephone survey done in 2010 with national sample of 1560 youth Internet users aged  10–17 years and their parents.  Almost 10% of youth (mostly girls aged 16–17 years) said they had "appeared [...]

Early signs of psychosis in young people

A person with psychosis 'loses touch with reality': they may have disorganised thoughts, hallucinations or delusions and find it difficult to interact with others. In young people a psychotic illness many occur as a result of depression or experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Here are some early warning signs to watch out for. Behavioural Odd/agitated [...]

Is your child an internet addict?

Although internet addiction is not yet a diagnosable illness, it is certainly raising concerns among adolescent experts who fear too much time online carries with it certain risk factors. For many young people the internet (and social media sites it gives them access to) is a lifeline. It is their way of connecting with the [...]

Back to school: how to handle bullying

50% of Victorian school children experience bullying online or at school* The summer holidays are nearly over and many young people are starting to prepare for the new school year and a return to studies, but for some it also means facing the prospect of dealing with more bullying both in the school yard and [...]

The Link Between Education and Wellbeing Begins in Early Childhood

research has established links between a lack of development of skills such as motivation and self-confidence in childhood and levels of criminal activity, teenage pregnancy and underachievement in education and employment later in life via When the best start in life turns out to be an early start.

New Study: Digital Media use among young children

40% of 2 to 4 year olds and 52% of 5 to 8 year olds using smartphones, video iPods, iPads A new study in the US by Common Sense Media Research has documented the use of digital media among young children. The startling results; toddlers today spend twice as much time in front [...]

The silent state of student suicides

The 2011 HSC results have just come out. For many it is the culmination of 2 years of hard work and a ticket to the university place of their dreams. For others it is a sore disappointment, with scores not high enough to win them that prized place. Kids with good resilience skills [...]

Australian develops app to help manage eating disorders

Image Source: Sydney Morning Herald The world of online apps is not just a playground for games and music. It also has a serious side that is beginning to have a positive effect within our community.  Australians are turning their attention to social needs and creating apps that help people. This includes Sydney [...]

A parent’s dilemma: All they want for Christmas is an iPad

20% of parents use a mobile devise to keep their child entertained* This year parents are under increasing pressure to buy their child an electronic device for Christmas. Even pre-schoolers are asking for the latest interactive media. Yet at $600 a pop, iPhones, iPads and iPods are not toys. So what dilemmas might [...]

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