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Porn: naughty or nice?

It‘s a hot debate. There are those like Fiona Pattern, the convener of the Australian Sex Party, who says “like sex, porn is a fact of life we should get used to” and then there are the anti porn campaigners like Dr Abigail Bray* who says “Porn is not a right, it is destructive to [...]

Children with ADHD could benefit from Omega 3

Encouraging results have been found in a study of omega-3s for ADHD symptoms. The results showed “significant, but slight, improvement for one omega-3 fatty acid”. According to the study the reason for investigating the possibility that omega-3 could help children with ADHD is “Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and can alter central nervous system [...]

Too much too soon is destroying the childhood of many

A stand has been taken in the UK by leading academics, teachers, authors and charity leaders who have come together to urge the Government against what they say is an attack on children’s wellbeing and mental health due to the pressures of modern life. They have written to British newspaper The Telegraph asking the Government [...]

Girl’s binge drinking is putting them at risk

10% of teenagers are putting they health at risk by binge drinking 10% of teenagers binge drink once a week 20% of teenagers binge drink once a month* Young women are opening themselves up to unplanned and sometimes unwanted sexual encounters by binge drinking. A yet to be published study carried out by the University [...]

Book launch: Big Porn Inc

This important book launch firmly puts porn in its place and through a series of essays, documents the proliferation and normalization of pornography, the way it has become a global industry and its violence towards and degradation of women. Big Porn Inc is an exposé of the hidden realities of the global industry that promotes [...]

Coffee combats depression

Caffeine is the world's most widely used central nervous system stimulant. For many women their day doesn’t really kick into action until they have had their morning cup of coffee. Only then can they launch into action and attempt the multi tasking that is required to get through the day. 50,000 middle-aged women took part [...]

Early to bed, early to rise: why kids need their sleep

It seems that it is not how long or how much sleep a young person gets but rather when they go to bed that is important. Children who go to bed early and get up early seem to be more active and spend less time as a whole in front of electronic media. This is [...]

Teens bow to peer pressure and sext to be accepted

New government funded research has found that the peer pressure on teenagers to send and receive sexually explicit images of each other as a way of fitting in and being accepted is huge. According to Melbourne University researcher Shelley Walker, this pressure in turn is coming from the media who are increasingly sexualising and normalising [...]

Diva: no place for Playboy

Over 2,000 people have signed an online petition urging Diva to remove their Playboy products from sale. Diva is an Australian fashion jewellery retailer that caters to the fashion tastes of young girls. It sells Disney brands such as Winnie the Pooh charm bracelets, Disney Princess pendants and Cute Cupcakes Best Friends necklaces. However in [...]

TV habits of kids: is it too much too often?

The phrase ‘square eyes’ isn’t used much anymore. But it could definitely be applied to many children and teenagers who spend copious amounts of time in front of some form of electronic media each day, including TV, computer games, videos and mobile phones. The following facts were compiled by the American Academy of Pediatrics but [...]

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