generation next

Net Savvy: ConductDisorders - a soft place to land for the battle weary parent. This website was setup as a forum in the mid 1990’s and it has grown since then into a site where parents and carers with children who have challanging behaviour can go and find support, help and resources. They are a group of parents [...]

Child porn bust includes teacher

14 million internet searches for “teen sex” in 2006 6 million internet searches for “teen porn” in 2006* It seems that not even schools are a safe haven for children anymore. Even here, where the guardians of our community are supposed to look after our children, protect their innocence and develop their young minds, they [...]

Depression tops mental health issues

26% of young people in Australia experience mental health issues, including depression each year. Dr Thomas Insel, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health in Washington DC, recently told the National Health and Medical Research Council in Canberra that Australia was ten years ahead of America in mental health reform, particularly in early intervention [...]

Sexting has now replaced flirting

80% of people in a committed relationship have sent or received sexually explicit messages. 60% have sent or received sexually explicit pictures or videos.* How we express our sexual selves is changing. It is no longer a private realm, shared only by two people. It is casual, it is uninhibited and it is out there. [...]

New Report: Kids need parents to be parents and not drinking buddies

A report published recently, Adult-Supervised Alcohol Use Doesn't Teach Adolescents to Drink Responsibly, has found that supervised use is associated with more alcohol-related harmful consequences in teens. "Kids need parents to be parents and not drinking buddies," said the study's lead researcher, Barbara J. McMorris, Ph.D., of the School of Nursing at the University of [...]

Book Review: Does my bum look big in this ad?

Does my bum look big in this ad?, published by Wombat Books, This book is great for teenagers and a fabulous resource for teachers, parents and carers. It looks at the issues of body image and the media from a teenage friendly perspective. It is written in easy language that young people can understand with [...]

Net Savvy: Youth Excel

Youth Excel    Youth Excel was founded in 2000. Now in its tenth year of operation, this charity delivers highly effective small group programs and mentoring to teenagers in Brisbane to over 120 young people per year. Youth Excel is passionate about seeing young people make a successful transition into adulthood. To this end they offer [...]

Growing global concerns for young people’s health and wellbeing

A recent study published in The Lancet, Global burden of disease in young people aged 10—24 years: a systematic analysis, looked at the burden of disease, injury and death in young people worldwide. Although young people make up 27% of the world’s population not much is known about their contribution to the global burden of [...]

The secret lives of teens

The Korn Group recently published a study, The Truth About Teens and Tweens, that looks at the lives of young people today and how much they are sharing with their parents. It seems that parents are the last to find out what their children are up to, fear of parental embarrassment and reactions means that [...]

Second hand smoke dulls the brain & increases addiction

It has long been the view of experts that second hand smoke (SHS) can be harmful to both smokers and non smokers alike. It is now recognised that exposure to SHS, especially among young people, can influence their risk of taking up smoking as biologically, inhaled smoke increases the urge to smoke. A recent study, [...]

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