generation next

Tips for teenagers on how to appreciate their body type

50% of 3 to 6 year old girls say they worry about being fat 70% of 7 year old girls want to be thinner 50% of 9 year old girls have been on a diet 25% of young people diagnosed with anorexia are boys* Parents, especially mothers play a major role when it comes to [...]

The key to children succeeding is to teach them empathy

In a ‘me’ world where the media is constantly telling young people that they can be anything they want to be, or have anything they want to have, it is difficult for parents to teach a sense of ‘other’ to their children. In an effort to teach self esteem we have inadvertently installed a need [...]

Binge drinking leads to unwanted pregnancies

A study carried out in America, Binge drinking in the preconception period and the risk of unintended pregnancy: implications for women and their children, has shown that up to 14% of unintended pregnancies were associated with alcohol consumption. The Study’s objective was to investigate the relationship between unintended pregnancies and binge drinking. Binge drinking was [...]

Dining at your desk can pile on the pounds

A study, Playing a computer game during lunch affects fullness, memory for lunch, and later snack intake, which was recently published in America has examined the connection between eating while distracted and still, with putting on weight. The researchers took 44 people and split them into 2 groups. One group was served lunch while playing [...]

National Cyber Security Awareness Week

May 30 marks the beginning of National Cyber Security Awareness Week. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) will be coordinating 9 Cybersmart Detectives activities across Australia during the week to promote Cyber Security Awareness Week.   Cybersmart Detectives is a free online activity that encourages students to learn about cybersafety in safe, school-based environments. [...]

Free Seminar: Generation Next – Public Parenting Seminar

This is a free seminar that is open to the public, especially parents and care givers. Seats are limited. You must register and have a ticket to gain entry. Where: St Mary’s College, Mary Street, Woodend, Ipswich QLD When: Sunday 22 May 2011 HOW TO GET A TICKET Phone The Base Youth Agency on 07 3818 [...]

Seminar: Bratz, Britney and Bralettes: The sexualisation of children in the media

From tiny tots to late teens, children are being affected by sexualisation and media messages about weight, looks, clothes and behaviour. The harm is real, and not just to girls. Come and hear some of Australia's best speakers on children and teens, the issues and what can be done, at this seminar for parents and [...]

Guest Talk: PornLand and the harms of pornography

Admission to this talk is by donation. Gail Dines will be in Sydney as special guest of the Sydney Writers Festival where she will be involved with many events. She is also hosting a special talk sponsored by Collective Shout. She will also be talking in Melbourne. At the forefront of the study of pornography [...]

Why teenagers should turn off TV and turn on life

In today's society school age children are at risk from excessive screen time. Here are some interesting but alarming facts gathered by an American organisation; Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood.  Research shows the negative impact of time spend by young people in front of the "box". Including multitasking, children ages 8 to18 years old spend [...]

Study: Porn is a poor and dangerous sex educator

“Exposure to pornography among young children may be disturbing or upsetting. It helps to sustain young people's adherence to sexist and unhealthy notions of sex and relationships. And, especially among boys and young men who are frequent consumers of pornography, including of more violent materials, consumption intensifies attitudes supportive of sexual coercion and increases their [...]

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