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Net Savvy: National Drugs Campaign

National drugs Campaign (NDC) website Tel: 1800 250 015 The Australian government has established a website to support their Australian Governments National Drugs Campaign (NDC). This campaign aims to help young people and parents understand the harmful affects and consequences of drug use. The NDC has been running since 2001 and has a number of [...]

Children’s brains are too tender for computers

Dr Aric Sigman, psychologist and author of Remotely Controlled: How Television is Damaging Our Lives and The Spoilt Generation is concerned that exposing children as young as 22 months to computers and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) actually impinges on their development rather than aids it because it is “subverting the development of children's cognitive [...]

Gambling: it’s all in the genes

50% of pathological gamblers in Australia are women 20% more Australians gamble than Americans A recent study published in the June issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry has found that genes do indeed play a part in addictive behaviours. This is at least so in the case of gambling. Wendy Slutske, co-author of the [...]

Cyber-Bullying: how to protect your child

Today mobile phones and the internet provide an easy and often anonymous way for kids and teenagers to bully and intimidate each other. The main mode of attack is by circulating hurtful comments, embarrassing photos or video. The virtual world of the internet, SMS, email, instant messaging and chat rooms have replaced the playground and [...]

Anonymous Cyber Bullying on the rise

The emergence of a new website based in America, but very popular with Australian teenagers, is causing great concern among Cyber safety experts. The site FormSpring.Me allows people to leave anonymous messages about other people. Since its inception last November it has gained a following of 12 million members worldwide. Users create accounts which can [...]

“Protect Yourself Online” National Cyber Security Awareness Week

The 2010 National Cyber Security Awareness Week (June 6 – 10) focused on protecting personal and financial information online. “Australians are increasingly relying on the internet in their everyday lives, from banking and shopping to accessing news and keeping in touch with friends and family,” Senator Conroy said. “The Awareness Week aims to educate and [...]

New laws to counter Cyber Bullying

Victorian Government to introduce new anti-bullying laws 600 intervention court orders this year against children New laws to focus on mediation 10% of Australian teenagers are victims of cyber-bullying The changes come at a time when more children are taking out intervention orders against other children in an attempt to deal with the growing number [...]

Teenager set alight, but parents still believe underage drinking is OK

50% of parents say 15 year olds should be allowed alcohol at home 20% of teenagers drink on a weekly basis 1 Australian teenager a week dies of alcohol abuse* The dilemma of whether or not to let underage teenagers drink at private parties is one that many parents have faced. The majority seem to [...]

Girls are turning to violence

Violence between girls up by 70% 154 cases of girls violence in schools last year School yard fights have always frequented the playground; however the increase in girl fights and the degree of violence between girls is now concerning many experts. The recent incident at Wadalba Community College on the Central Coast, NSW of a [...]

Young people ignoring safe sex advice

1,000 new HIV cases in Australia every year Chlamydia cases rise to 60,000 between 2004 and 2008 Young people aged between 20 and 29 at highest risk The sharp increase in sexually transmitted diseases signals the potential of a new wave of HIV cases. Many young people today cannot remember the shocking Grim Reaper ads [...]

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