generation next

Bullying policies to be posted on MySchool

50% higher bullying rate in Australian primary schools 25% of primary school children bullied It has been suggested that the new government website MySchool be used by schools to display their policies on bullying for both the classroom and the playground and outline their approach to cyber bullying. ''What I would like to see on [...]

Soft porn too visible at the sweet shop counter

Generation Next founder Dr Ramesh Manocha and Generation Next seminar speakers Julie Gale (Director Kids Free 2B Kids) and Dr Michael Carr-Gregg (Author and Child & Adolescent Psychologist) were among experts and public figures who signed a letter which was recently sent to the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General Censorship Ministers. Other key figures included: The [...]

Recent Findings: Long term cannabis causes health issues

9% of Australians have smoked cannabis in the past year 63% of teenage daily users cannot control their use The  National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre has published a research report The epidemiology of cannabis use and cannabis-related harm in Australia 1993–2007ad. This report has found that there has been a dramatic increase in people [...]

Introducing R18+ games into Australia may lead to violence in teenagers

A recent study by Professor Craig Anderson “Violent video game effects on aggression, empathy, and pro-social behaviour in Eastern and Western countries: A meta-analytic review”  has confirmed that young people exposed to violent video games, themselves become more violent. Researchers monitored individuals ranging from young children to university students and covering a wide range of [...]

Teenagers eligible for lap-band surgery

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) has released new guidelines for lap-band surgery on teenagers. These new guidelines for bariatric surgery address issues specific to young people. RACP Fellow Professor Louise Baur, chair of the working party which developed the policy said, “...young people suffering severe obesity require high quality clinical services. We need [...]

Computer and video game addiction – the evidence grows

Recently there has been a renewed cry for video and computer game addictions to be recognised by the greater community. More and more material is coming to light that confirms obsessive and addictive behaviour is increasing among people, especially young people, who engage in computer games for long periods of time. In Australia, Professor Vladan Starcevic of Sydney [...]

Generation Next Seminars for 2010

The articles and blogs by Generation Next are posted to help protect our youth. Each Generation Next newsletter goes out to over 10,000 subscribers nationally. Subscribe to the Generation Next Newsletter. We hope that you, your organization and Generation Next can work together to highlight the many risk factors emerging in our modern society that threaten the [...]

Review confirms Violent Video Games increase aggressive behaviour

A recent review “Violent Video Game Effects on Aggression, Empathy, and Pro-social Behaviour in Eastern and Western Countries: A Meta-Analytic Review”, published by the American Psychological Association has used meta-analytic procedures to test the effects of violent video games on: Aggressive behaviour Aggressive cognition Aggressive affect Physiological arousal Empathy/desensitisation, and Pro-social behaviour. Today more than [...]

Silent child abuse epidemic growing in NSW

Cold hard facts about perpetrators 23% are known to the child 15% are the natural father of the child 12% are either the stepfather or de facto of the child 1,831 charges of child abuse were laid in 2009, and 451 arrests following reported sex crimes in 2009* A silent epidemic is destroying the childhood [...]

By |2010-03-16T06:00:37+11:00March 16th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Long distance relationships – children are suffering

Online dating agencies and ever increasing communication through emails, both for business and pleasure, across the world is seeing a rise in long distance relationships. It is also creating a new phenomenon in the Family Court system. The number of divorced parents wanting to relocate interstate or overseas to begin a new life is meaning [...]

By |2010-03-12T06:00:35+11:00March 12th, 2010|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments
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