generation next

How can I reduce the influence of peer pressure?

There are a number of ways in which parents can lessen the effect of peer influence. Possibly one of the more important is for parents to correct the common teenage misperception that ‘all teenagers drink lots of alcohol’. This false belief leads some teenagers to feel they need to drink to excess in order to [...]

Julie Gale invites you to attend two conferences

Two conferences are being organised by Julie Gale in the coming weeks: Bratz, Britney and Bralettes: The Sexualisation of Childhood Monday 3rd August, 2009 7:00pm for 7:30pm to 9.30pm Melbourne Girls Grammar School, South Yarra. ”From tiny tots to late teens, girls are being preyed on, and damaged, by sexualisation and media messages about weight, [...]

A shrine by a tree – how parents can help detect depression

Last month the national depression initiative launched its youth campaign, Youthbeyondblue with the startling news that around 160,000 young people aged 16-24 years live with depression, making it the most common of all mental health problems in young people. But the real tragedy is the news that there can be a delay of anywhere between [...]

Cyber bullying is the top parental concern

Did you know that the prospect of their child becoming a victim of bullying is now the top fear among Australian parents? Six-in-ten parents nominate bullying as their biggest concern, ahead of their children becoming a victim of crime (46 percent) or performing poorly at school (44 percent). Make no mistake - online bullying is [...]

Not just Victorian families need to keep watch on the Net

You might be surprised that Victorian families are the least likely to actively keep an eye on what websites their kids are visiting, given that they’re also the most likely to have an Internet-capable computer in a shared area of the home. Generation Next’s research with parents of 527 children asked what strategies they used [...]

Parents of a million Aussie kids are leaving out a Welcome mat for pedophiles

  Almost a million Australian children are being given unfettered access to the Internet, new research released today reveals. The revelations come from Generation Next, a national parenting seminar organisation being supported by anti-depression initiative, beyondblue, and Australian Government-backed youth mental health foundation, Headspace. Their research finds 22 percent of parents of children aged 4-18 [...]

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