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How to help teens with computer game addiction

90% of children play computer games. 10% of them are addicted. The dangers of computers games have been in the news again recently with the death of a teenager in Taiwan after playing for 40 hours straight without refreshments or leaving the computer. Internet computer games have and addictive dimension to them that some young [...]

Are students popping pills to boost performance? 

RESEARCH is needed to determine whether significant numbers of Australian students are trying to improve their academic performance by taking diverted prescription stimulants, according to academics from three Australian universities and a Canadian research institute.  Dr Jayne Lucke, principal research fellow at the University of Queensland’s Centre for Clinical Research, said there were anecdotal reports [...]

10 minute activist: Message on a bottle

Despite the fact that nearly a year has passed since the Australian and New Zealand Food and Health Ministers recommended that the alcohol industry be given two years to voluntarily implement alcohol warning labels, less than 16%* of alcoholic products carry a consumer information message. Of those that do, 98% take up less than 5% [...]

Music Or Books? Teen’s Choice Linked To Depression

Teenagers who whittle away their time listening to music are far more likely to suffer from depression than those who spend more time consuming other media, including books, say the authors of a new study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The researchers called 106 adolescents - 46 of whom had been diagnosed [...]

Teenage gamer collapses after fourth day of “Modern Warfare” marathon

FOR four days a US teenager stayed shut in his bedroom, engrossed in his Xbox game. Then he collapsed. WBNS-TV reports that fifteen-year-old Columbus teen Tyler Rigsby collapsed and was taken to hospital on Tuesday after becoming severely dehydrated. His mother says he emerged from his bedroom during the four days only to pick up [...]

Marijuana and memory: study shows it’s not good news

Australian scientists say they have proved that persistent heavy marijuana use damages the brain's memory and learning capacity. Their study showed for the first time the earlier people developed a cannabis habit, the worse the damage. Scientists from Melbourne's Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI), Melbourne University and Wollongong University used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to [...]

Facebook supports racism

A Facebook page filled with offensive comments about Aboriginal people, which is still online despite calls by the Communications Minister Stephen Conroy to take it down. Facebook did flag the page as "controversial humour" in response to complaints yesterday and then briefly took it down. But now it is up and running again under a new [...]

Vegetarianism And Eating Disorders

Can you pick an eating disorder by a persons dietary preference? At first glance it seems that you can. A cross-sectional study has found that individuals with a history of eating disorders are considerably more likely to have been vegetarian in the past, vegetarian now and primarily motivated by weight. Furthermore, 68 per cent of [...]

Honest People Are Healthier And Happier

Honesty may actually help your health, suggests a study presented to psychologists at the weekend that found telling fewer lies benefits people physically and mentally. via Honest People Are Healthier And Happier, Says Study.

Are nice people born or made?

Oxytocin and vasopressin, two hormones that inspire feelings of love and generosity when they flood our brains, bind to neurons by attaching to molecules called receptors, which can come in different forms.   The new research, led by psychologist Michel Poulin of the University of Buffalo, suggests that if you have the genes that give [...]

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