
‘Retail Therapy’ Might Not Be So Bad After All

Those who love to shop are often painted as lonely souls, trying to fill a void by buying -- and becoming even more isolated in the process. Not always so, according to new Dutch research. The relationship of shopping and loneliness can go both ways -- and the direction seems to have a lot to [...]

Different types of happiness alter gene expression

A person’s sense of happiness may affect the way his or her genes are expressed, Medical News Today reported. Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) categorized 80 healthy adults based on whether they experienced a greater sense of eudaimonic well-being or hedonic well-being. Eudaimonic well-being is associated with having “a deep sense [...]

Spirituality is key to kids’ happiness

Research shows that children who feel that their lives have meaning and value and who develop deep, quality relationships - both measures of spirituality - are happier. It would appear, however, that their religious practices have little effect on their happiness. via Spirituality is key to kids' happiness.

Acts of kindness can make you happier

Sonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, has studied happiness for more than 20 years. She and others know that positive activities boost positive emotions, thoughts and behavior, in turn improving well-being. via Acts of kindness can make you happier.

The Pursuit Of Happiness May Be A Recipe For Misery

As we muddle through our days, the quest for happiness looms large. In the U.S., citizens are granted three inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In the kingdom of Bhutan, there’s a national index to measure happiness. But what if searching for happiness actually prevents us from finding it? There’s reason to [...]

Yes, Money Does Buy Happiness: 6 Lessons from the Newest Research on Income and Well-Being

The classic economic story about money and well-being goes something like this. Money buys happiness, sure, but only up to a point. Once basic needs are taken care of, extra money has diminishing (or non-existent) returns. Perhaps richer people use their money to move to richer areas, where they no longer feel rich. Perhaps relative [...]

Buying experiences, not possessions, leads to greater happiness

Can money make us happy if we spend it on the right purchases? A new psychology study suggests that buying life experiences rather than material possessions leads to greater happiness for both the consumer and those around them. via Buying experiences, not possessions, leads to greater happiness.

A Brave New World 2013 – Huxley, Happiness and the United States of Amazing

Like other dystopian authors, Aldous Huxley held a pretty bleak view of society. In A Brave New World, his future looks something like this: We live to consume. We're brainwashed by advertisements and institutions that make us feel as though we're free, even as they wipe out any originality and creativity in us. We lack [...]

Kind kids reap rewards of happiness

Hey, kids, want to be more popular and happier in school? Then just be nicer.  That’s what researchers at the University of California discovered during a recent study. The researchers divided more than 400 kids ages 9 to 12 into two groups: One group performed “acts of kindness,” and the other kept track of pleasant [...]

Happiness vs meaning

While happiness and a sense of meaning benefit from a strong social network and both suffer when a person feels isolated or lonely, time spent with loved ones was found to be important for meaning, but not necessarily for happiness. via Happiness: A Sad Life Isn't Necessarily A Bad Life... | Stuff.co.nz.

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