
Women have a happiness gene

A new study has found a gene that appears to make women happy, but it doesn’t work for men. The finding may help explain why women are often happier than men, the research team said. Scientists at the University of South Florida (USF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Columbia University and the New York [...]

By |2012-08-31T16:19:40+10:00August 29th, 2012|Categories: Science & Research|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Happiness: Large Circle Of Friends Is Key To Well-Being In Midlife

You really can get by with a little help from your friends. A new study of 6,500 Britons found that at age 50, having regular interactions with a wide circle of friends has a significant impact on psychological well-being, and is especially important to the happiness of women. For men, family is more important to [...]

Childhood friendships may be key to adult happiness

Happiness in adulthood may be determined by the quality of relationships in your youth, not brain power or academic prowess, new Australian research suggests. "This shows that there is an enduring, significant relationship between being well-adjusted as a child and being well-adjusted as an adult," said Dr. Victor Fornari, director of child/adolescent psychiatry at North [...]

Money Really Can’t Buy Happiness, Study Finds

Contrary to popular belief, happiness in life has more to do with respect and influence than status or wealth, according to a new study. Researchers said one possible reason money doesn't buy happiness is that people may get used to their higher income, but they never tire of being admired by others. via Money Really [...]

The museum of failed products-a lesson about happiness

The Museum of Failed Products was itself a kind of accident, albeit a happier one. Its creator, a now-retired marketing man named Robert McMath, merely intended to accumulate a "reference library" of consumer products, not failures per se. And so, starting in the 1960s, he began purchasing and preserving a sample of every new item [...]

Education, happiness and longevity

Education has been widely documented by researchers as the single variable tied most directly to improved health and longevity. And when people are intensely engaged in doing and learning new things, their well-being and happiness can blossom. via Why Learning Leads to Happiness - chicagotribune.com.

By |2012-08-17T19:31:02+10:00April 12th, 2012|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Science & Research|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Taking the happiness ideology too far

The happier you are, the better, right? Not necessarily. Studies show there is a darker side to feeling good and the pursuit of happiness can sometimes make you … well, less happy. Too much cheerfulness can make you gullible, selfish, less successful - and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Happiness can protect us [...]

By |2012-08-17T19:31:14+10:00April 12th, 2012|Categories: Science & Research, Society & Culture|Tags: |0 Comments
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