
How to Relieve Pain Using Psychology: 10 Tips from Research

Some insights on how to relieve pain using psychology, with links to the studies: Clutch some money. Don’t curl up in a ball. Sit up straight. Swear. Laugh. Listen to good music. -  Barking Up The Wrong Tree Source: How to Relieve Pain Using Psychology: 10 Tips From Research | TIME

Do People Transmit Happiness by Smell?

As emotions go, happiness usually hides in plain sight: seen in a broad smile, heard in a raucous laugh, felt in a big hug.But new research suggests there may be a less obvious way to pick up on another person's positive vibes: smell. - Alan Mozes Source: Do people transmit happiness by smell? - News9.com - [...]

All Children Should Receive Weekly ‘Happiness’ Lessons from the Age of Five

Children of all ages should be given an hour’s “happiness lessons” every week to nurture their development and stop schools behaving as “exams factories,” a major report will warn this week. It comes as separate figures show the numbers of children receiving counselling sessions because of exam stress has tripled in just one year. Former ministers and Government [...]

7 Easy Happiness Boosters According to Harvard Research

"Each activity listed below not only gives us a quick boost of positive emotions, improving our performance and focus in the moment; but if performed habitually over time, each has been shown to help permanently raise our happiness baseline…” - by  Shawn Achor Source: 7 Easy Happiness Boosters According to Harvard Research | TIME

4 Ways Positive Psychology Can Reduce Adolescent Depression, Stress and Anxiety

Positive Psychology has become the ‘buzz’ trend among educators and others who work with children. Living our best life, and helping our youth to find greater joy, purpose, contribution and meaning does sound appealing. But is positive psychology all it’s cracked up to be? Is the evidence base solid enough for us to change entire school wellbeing [...]

Relationships Build the Brain

                  We are, right now, in the middle of a revolution in our thinking about the developing brain. We have always known it was important to nurture the very young but now we know why. A burgeoning number of new technologies, such as MRI, PET and rainbow [...]

10 Things to Keep in Mind About Happiness

When was the last time you were bursting with joy? Can you think of moments when the entire world around you can stop right there and you wouldn't even notice because you were just so happy? Are these memories precious moments like the day of a graduation, a marriage or a birth? Or are they [...]

The Key to Our Happiness Is Connection, Not Competition

There are two different sides to human nature. Both are important, but the balance between them has huge implications for our wellbeing, culture and future. One side of our nature is self-interested. This is our in-built instinct to do whatever we can to survive and thrive, often at the expense of others. The other side [...]

Raising Non-Materialistic Children in a Material World

The last few weeks have seen me embark on a clutter clearing frenzy.  As I work to eliminate the clutter from my home, filling our rubbish bins and donation boxes to their brim, I can’t help but consider the meaning our society attaches to material objects and how this impacts happiness.  So, following another weekend of [...]

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