
Teen binge drinking – Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

Australia seems to be in the grip of a teen binge drinking Ebola. The contagion slips insidiously from family to family, school to school, suburb to suburb. You can't see it or smell it but it burrows in to teenage psyches and then roars into life.  The public health doctors have no cure.  They've thrown [...]

Setting boundaries – Dr Michael Carr-Gregg tells you how

In a recent radio segment Ian 'Dicko' Dickson of Australian Idol fame complained about how his 16-year-old daughter was adamant of getting a tattoo, despite that her age makes it illegal. He called psychologist and Generation Next speaker Dr Michael Carr-Gregg to talk about how should approach this issue. Listen to Dr Michael Carr-Gregg's recommendation [...]

International experts condemn airbrushed advertisements

45 leading academics, doctors and psychologists from around the world have signed a research paper detailing how pictures of airbrushed (digitally enhanced) models in advertisements can cause serious harm to viewers. The report titled "The Impact of Media Images on Body Image and Behaviours: A Summary of the Scientific Evidence" summarises the research of the [...]

Tell your kids- Vomiting when drinking

In many cases, drinking too much alcohol will make you sick and you will stop drinking. There are many old wives’ tales about why someone vomits after drinking, but the real reason is quite simple- you’ve been poisoned. Your brain actually has specialised poison-control cells that detect when you have had too much alcohol and [...]

Indirect television exposure increases aggression in 3-year-olds

An American study has linked television use to aggression in three-year-olds, even if the child wasn't watching the TV. The study which collected survey data from over 3,000 mothers found that indirect exposure, such as the TV use by other members of the household, increased aggression in the children and could have a detrimental impact [...]

Evidence for the negative impact of sexualisation

Helga Dittmar (2007) In this study, 87 girls aged 16-19 were asked to either watch music videos or listen to music for 10 minutes. The group who watched the music videos exhibited a significant increase in body dissatisfaction. A key piece of advice parents should take from this study is to minimise your child's exposure [...]

The State of Australia's Young People Report

Late last week the Minister for Early Childhood Education, Child Care and Youth released The State of Australia's Young People Report, examining youth aged from 15-24 years of age. The report was commissioned earlier this year by the Office for Youth to complete the State of Australia’s Young People report and will later be used [...]

Jessica Watson's bid to sail solo around the world

This month's death of 2 experienced sailors highlights the dangers inherent in yachting and the sheer insanity and utter inadvisability of Jessica Watson's bid to sail solo around the world. Many experienced yachties have added their voice to a growing chorus of experts, which includes Queensland's Maritime Safety Bureau, saying that 16 years old is too [...]

Make-up parties 'sexualise' four-year-olds

A Melbourne business marketing 'make-up parties' to girls as young as four has been slammed for sexualising children. The business offers to 'makeover' children with blush, eye liner, eye shadow and nail-paint. Kids Free 2B Kids founder and Generation Next speaker Julie Gale described the business as harming to children. "Parents need to wake up. [...]

Study: Children's development not damaged by working mothers

A British study of 17,000 parents and their children found that mothers who return to work before their child's first birthday do not harm their child's mental development. The study examined children born in the 1990s with a series of tests and questionnaires. Co-author of the study, Professor Heather Joshi, described why the study is [...]

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