
Arguing May Raise Risk of Death for Middle-age Adults

Arguments may ruin more than just friendships. New research suggests that people who frequently argue with those close to them nearly triple their overall chances of a middle-aged death. A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, details how researchers were able to find a direct association between the stressful nature of arguing [...]

Electronic cigarettes: the truth behind the smoke and mirrors

The debate over the health and legal implications of e-cigarette use has divided experts across the world. Local authorities will now need to face up to the issue after e-cigarettes were banned in Western Australia. - Eamonn Duff, Amy Corderoy via Electronic cigarettes: the truth behind the smoke and mirrors. Image from: Unsplash

10 Toxic Habits of Unhealthy People

Unhealthy people have toxic habits that keep them unhealthy. Avoid these 10 toxic habits to ensure that you are living life to your full potential. 1. Always Assume the Worst Unhealthy people always assume that the worst. They assume no one will like them, that they’ll always mess up, and that they’ll never be successful [...]

Children less fit than their parents

Around the world, many children do not run as far or as fast as their parents did when they were kids, according to a large study presented at a scientific meeting in the US recently. The study concludes that today's kids are about 15% less aerobically fit than their parents were at their age. And in the US, [...]

Far from being harmless, the effects of bullying last long into adulthood

It has long been acknowledged that bullying at a young age presents a problem for schools, parents and public policy makers alike. Although children spend more time with their peers than their parents, there is relatively little published research on understanding the impact of these interactions on their lives beyond school. The results of the [...]

Housework is not always a healthy exercise alternative

Housework may not be as healthy as people think – and those who include domestic chores as part of an activity regime tend to be heavier, according to research by the University of Ulster Sports Academy. In the Sport NI survey, over 4,600 people were asked to rate the amount and intensity of their physical [...]

Why Australia started turning on McDonald’s

I was mildly surprised and, yes, I admit, more than a little pleased to read of fast-food giant McDonald's sales going backwards here in Australia. Last month, at an investment seminar in the US, McDonald's global chief executive and president Don Thompson warned investors that “lower levels of spending in Australia and cut-throat competition among [...]

By |2013-08-19T10:27:16+10:00August 19th, 2013|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Marriage in the 21st century

It may be timely to consider evidence which suggests that marriage may actually be conducive to health and well-being for both men and women. It may also be timely to consider that marriage may actually be a good thing for our children too. via Marriage in the 21st century.

Dustin Hoffman realises a cultural lie

Women are sold this lie daily: that beauty is simply a matter of drinking eight glasses of water a day, eating mountains of chia seeds and quinoa salad, a good moisturiser and a touch of lippy and mascara. The multi-billion dollar beauty, diet and cosmetic surgery industries are testament to the fact that much of [...]

Breakfast Drinks Claims Shonky, Choice Says

Several popular liquid breakfast products including Sanitarium's Up & Go and Kellogg's breakfast drinks make dodgy nutritional claims, consumer group Choice says. via Breakfast Drinks Claims Shonky, Choice Says.

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