
Study reveals drastic impact of financial crisis on global health

As part of a series of seven reports published by the Lancet today, Financial crisis, austerity and health in Europe, highlighted that the effects of economic turbulence on health are generally poorly understood, despite having been researched for nearly 100 years. The research said that the number of suicides in people younger than 65 years [...]

What’s the role of PE at School?

Kids are getting fatter. And whilst I certainly do not endorse kids being measured and weighed regularly at school, I do think they should be exercising regularly – every day actually. There were some interesting articles doing the rounds in the UK last week regarding the effectiveness of Physical Education lessons with regard to keeping [...]

Spirituality Improves Mental Health

Quality of life is a subjective gauge of a person’s overall well-being and includes assessments and self-reports of physical health, mental health, functional abilities, emotional condition, social support, and spirituality. As healthcare continues to evolve and provide more complete, holistic care for patients, the importance of religion and spirituality is increasingly emphasized. And, with good [...]

Exercise may reduce motivation for food

It is commonly assumed that you can “work up an appetite” with a vigorous workout. Turns out that theory may not be completely accurate – at least immediately following exercise. New research out of BYU shows that 45 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise in the morning actually reduces a person’s motivation for food. Professors James LeCheminant [...]

By |2012-09-14T16:19:06+10:00September 13th, 2012|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Science & Research|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Honest People Are Healthier And Happier

Honesty may actually help your health, suggests a study presented to psychologists at the weekend that found telling fewer lies benefits people physically and mentally. via Honest People Are Healthier And Happier, Says Study.

‘Time to consider raising the drinking age’ – top health expert

INCREASING the drinking age is just one tough measure that would help curb random violence, according to a top health expert who says the time for "soft actions" is over. Professor Mike Daube says the US, which has a legal drinking age of 21, shows it can be done and it works, but adds that [...]

Love, kindness & a healthy heart.

As a trained Health & Physical Education teacher I’ve always been interested in innovative training methods to enhance heart health. On Wednesday last week I learnt of scientific research that demonstrated what Buddhist monks have told us for years – that meditation is good for your heart. The West hasn’t always been keen to embrace [...]

Ten Top Tips for Healthy Approach to Body Weight

Here are 10 useful pieces of advice that you can give a young person who might be concerned about their weight 1. Don't be fooled by the fad Weight-loss diets can trick many of us with their 'quick fix' solutions. However, in the long term, most people end up regaining the weight they lost on the diet...and [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:11:16+10:00February 13th, 2012|Categories: Mental Health & Wellbeing, Science & Research|Tags: , |0 Comments

Net Savvy: Richard Eckersley – Is Life getting better?

Richard Eckersley This is a great website for resources on young people and the ever changing world we live in. It has some very useful information for both teachers and parents, especially in the area of society and culture. About Richard Eckersley Richard is an independent researcher and writer on progress, sustainability, culture, health and [...]

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