human behaviour

Cute Animal Images May Boost Work Performance

New research shows looking at cute images of baby animals may actually improve your work performance, inspiring more fine-tuned attention and careful behavior. Perhaps unsurprisingly this new study comes from researchers in Japan, where kawaii (Japanese for "cute") reigns. From the characters of "Hello Kitty" and "Pokémon's" Pikachu, cute creatures stir positive feelings, researchers say, [...]

Honest People Are Healthier And Happier

Honesty may actually help your health, suggests a study presented to psychologists at the weekend that found telling fewer lies benefits people physically and mentally. via Honest People Are Healthier And Happier, Says Study.

Are nice people born or made?

Oxytocin and vasopressin, two hormones that inspire feelings of love and generosity when they flood our brains, bind to neurons by attaching to molecules called receptors, which can come in different forms.   The new research, led by psychologist Michel Poulin of the University of Buffalo, suggests that if you have the genes that give [...]

Reflecting on narcissism

Imagine a country where everyone acts like a reality show contestant — obsessed with power, status and appearance, and is comfortable manipulating others for their personal gain. “I’m here to win, not make friends,” would be the national motto. via Reflecting on narcissism.


iDisorder is where technology is literally making us exhibit signs and symptoms of a whole bunch of psychological disorders including narcissistic personality disorder, depression, attention deficit disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder even a little bit of schizoid personality via Narcissists Anonymous or the 'iGeneration'.

kicking kids out of class

How often would you send students out of your class because of disruptive behaviour? Never? Once a week? Once a day? Once a lesson? I’d imagine your response is largely  determined by the kind of school you are working in and its disciplinary system. There was a very interesting piece in the media this week [...]

Neurobiology and the Selfless Impulse

Recent studies in the field of Neuroscience have been looking to uncover the anatomical basis for charity and empathy. The scientists in question are well aware that this is a contentious area, representing a convergence between science and religion: “Eventually, you are bound to get into areas that for thousands of years we have preferred [...]

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