human behaviour

Down With Diagnoses

One of the great things about living in a profoundly risk averse society is that we are starting to treat mental health issues with the serious respect they deserve. The downside to this chronic risk aversion is that the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) most recent text revision contains over 300 [...]

Too Busy For A Thumbs Up

Too busy for a ‘Thumbs Up?’   My 5-year-old son attends swimming lessons each and every Sunday. It’s a busy pool with multiple classes going on at once.   During lessons parents sit around the pool and watch their offspring splash around, offering words of encouragement, the occasional ‘thumbs up’ and many smiles of pride. [...]

10 Things You Might Not Know About Love

1. It can be hard to talk about love in scientific terms because people have strong pre-existing ideas about it. The vision of love that emerges from the latest science requires a radical shift. I learned that I need to ask people to step back from their current views of love long enough to consider [...]

Meditation, Mindfulness and Mind-Emptiness

Mindfulness essentially involves the passive observation of internal and external stimuli without mental reaction. Ever been unable to sleep because you can’t switch off that stream of thoughts that seems to flow incessantly, mercilessly through your head? When your mental noise distracts you from the task at hand, makes you forget why you walked into [...]

10 Toxic Habits of Unhealthy People

Unhealthy people have toxic habits that keep them unhealthy. Avoid these 10 toxic habits to ensure that you are living life to your full potential. 1. Always Assume the Worst Unhealthy people always assume that the worst. They assume no one will like them, that they’ll always mess up, and that they’ll never be successful [...]

7 Crippling Parenting Behaviors That Keep Children From Growing Into Leaders

While I spend my professional time now as a career success coach, writer, and leadership trainer, I was a marriage and family therapist in my past, and worked for several years with couples, families, and children. Through that experience, I witnessed a very wide array of both functional and dysfunctional parenting behaviors. As a parent [...]

King-hit assaults show moral sense skewed by intoxicatingly violent culture

In the aftermath of the latest senseless street violence, we instinctively seek someone or something to blame. Yet pointing the finger at the aggressor in each case won't bring any change.  To prevent the ''coward punch'', we need a culture of moral identification and education. Rising violence in various media platforms has helped create a [...]

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Mentally strong people have healthy habits. They manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that set them up for success in life. Check out these things that mentally strong people don’t do via 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do.

Study reveals striking differences in brain connectivity between men and women

A new brain connectivity study from Penn Medicine published today in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences found striking differences in the neural wiring of men and women that's lending credence to some commonly-held beliefs about their behavior. In one of the largest studies looking at the "connectomes" of the sexes, Ragini Verma, PhD, [...]

Why do haters have to hate? Newly identified personality trait holds clues

New research has uncovered the reason why some people seem to dislike everything while others seem to like everything. Apparently, it's all part of our individual personality – a dimension that researchers have coined "dispositional attitude." via Why do haters have to hate? Newly identified personality trait holds clues.

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