human behaviour

Miley Cyrus: does the music business exploit women?

The pornification of everything is a huge problem across our culture, and one that has only grown muckier and more entrenched with the spread of the internet on teenagers' mobile phones. It's a problem not confined to pop music – hello, fashion photography – but pop is where the tectonic plates of sex and commerce [...]

The one week TV ban

This time a few weeks ago, give or take a few hours, I was standing dripping wet in the lounge room, looking at my kids in total disbelief. Seconds into my shower they had decided to battle it out, and I had to come back in to negotiate calm. As I stood there with conditioner [...]

Overcoming a difficult childhood…tips for parents

Maggie Dent's suggestions for parents who are survivors of child abuse: Find a safe trustworthy person to explore your 'child' story of the painful moments of childhood, so that the story can then be viewed through adult eyes and be transformed. Pursue personal growth and healing by reading, listening, doing seminars, doing online trainings, sharing [...]

“Smacking never did us any harm!”

How often have you heard that line? How often have you said it?   I’m not here to tell you how to parent your kids. I’m learning every day just how hard a job it is. But I can’t help thinking to myself, whenever I hear this:   “Yeah, smacking never did us any harm, [...]

William Glasser, Psychiatrist Who Promoted Mental Health as a Choice, Dies at 88

Dr. Glasser trained therapists and others mainly through the William Glasser Institute, a nonprofit organization he founded outside Chicago. In his book “Choice Theory,” he summarized its strategy as helping patients and schoolchildren to shift their view of reality fundamentally — from one where behavior is controlled externally by coercion, to one where individuals control [...]

How to Do Kindness in school

Following last week’s column regarding Random Acts of Kindness, I received a lot of correspondence asking me how we implemented the activity.   So I thought I would share exactly how we did the RAK activity at our school.   We did the activity with fifty Year 10 students.   We secretly assigned each member [...]

That gut feeling

The days of analyzing a patient's gut bacteria to treat her depression or anxiety are probably far away. Still, scientists following this line of research have become increasingly convinced that to fully understand our emotions and behaviors, we need to study the gut as much as the brain. via That gut feeling.

Random Acts of Kindness

“Why should I be nice to people? They aren’t nice to me...” This is a common response from adolescents when I try and engage them in the notion of being “kind.”   Researchers will tell us that because of the adolescent brain, the teaching of such concepts need to demonstrate: “What’s in it for me?” [...]

Could you go 10 weeks without lying?

We tell one lie, sometimes two, every day, sharing an average of 11 untruths per week. We tell lies to avoid hurt feelings, or we embellish to make a story more interesting. But whether it’s a white or boldface lie, all these fibs harm our health. Researchers discovered that people who lie less experience better [...]

Girl Mag Watch Dolly July 2013

Dolly tackles binge drinking, abusive relationships and cyber attacks Melinda Tankard Reist Sometimes I wonder if one girl’s mag gets wind of what another is up to and copies it. In this case it’s a good thing, with Dolly also running a feature on binge drinking. I commended Girlfriend for a strong piece on “liquid [...]

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