
Models are off the agenda for Essentials magazine

In a bold move, backed by readers who suggested they preferred to see “real women”, the UK monthly magazine Essentials will no longer feature models or celebrities on its front cover. Published by IPC Media, the October issue runs with the theme “Celebrating women like you” and contains no models or celebrities at all. Stories [...]

The growing fashion trend of glamorising death

There is an increasing trend for fashion houses to glamorise death. The obsession with beautiful dead women has seen a number of recent ad campaigns idolise death, murder and suicide in women’s fashion. Young girls are being told that you can even look sexy when you are dead. Taking the theme of ‘dead women are [...]

Popular culture, pop songs and pornography

At the centre of popular culture lies popular (pop) music, it has always been the music of the next generation, as young people come into their own they begin to express themselves through their clothes, interests, friends and music. In modern times, the mass media has become a major instrument for the spread and dissemination [...]

What to do if your child is being cyber bullied

Cyber Safety expert Susan McLean describes cyber-bulllying in the following terms: "cyber-bullying can be described as any harassment, insults and humiliation that occurs through the electronic mediums such as email, mobile phones, social networking sites, instant messaging programs, chat rooms, web sites and through the playing of online games." What you can do to help [...]

Net Savvy: ThinkUKnow – internet safety for kids

ThinkUKnow ThinkUKnow is a website dedicated to protecting kids online. It shows you how to help kids stay safe and in control when using various forms of new media. It gives teachers, parents and carers the tools they need to keep children safe while still letting them enjoy using emerging technologies. The site has free [...]

Lights out – is electronic media affecting teenager’s sleep?

Go into any young person’s bedroom now-a-days and you will find an assortment of electronic media scattered around the room. Many of these devises will be in operation simultaneously; the computer is on, the internet is connected, the iPod is playing, messages are being sent and received via the mobile phone and the TV is [...]

‘Lads Ads’ just a bit of larrikin fun, or the sexualisation of women?

The argument for ‘lads ads’ seems to be much the same as for ‘lads mags’; they aren’t really offensive, just harmless suggestive fun, a bit of titillation with no real damage intended. This of course is from a male perspective. Talk to most women and the response is more like; they are degrading, humiliating and [...]

Let children be children

Experts world wide are condemning the sexualisation of young children and teenagers through the media. All are agreed that it is damaging the youth of today. At this time, it is surprising then, that Monash University’s Dr Blaise is condoning the teaching of sexuality to pre-school and kindergarten children. In fact she is going one [...]

The hidden face of cyberspace friendships

For some time now experts have been warning about the dangers of social network sites and how some teenagers are being manipulated into situations they cannot handle by the people they are chatting to. Studies show that teenagers are often happy to provide their personal information to complete strangers. Many adolescents feel in control of [...]

Book Review: What's Happening to Our Boys?

By Maggie Hamilton. AT RISK. How the new techologies, drugs and alcohol, peer pressure and porn affect our boys. Some of the material covered here is shocking, but its important to realise this is the toxic atmosphere many of our children encounter daily… When we understand what they’re up against, we can help bring about [...]

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