Mental Health

Too Many Ways For Children To Be Groomed For Betting And Gambling

“It’s high time we looked seriously at the many ways in which children are being groomed for betting and gambling” says Prof Elizabeth Handsley, President of the Australian Council on Children and the Media . Children who watch sport on TV, particularly at weekends,  alone or with their families, will see many betting ads.  They [...]

The Pressures Of Acting Like A “Real” Man And The Mental Health Issues This Causes In Young Males

A rigid construct of how “real” men are supposed to behave leaves many feeling trapped, new research we carried out suggests. While most support gender equality, the young men in the UK, US and Mexico reported feeling pushed to live in the “man box”. They feel pressure to act tough, hide weakness and “look good”. [...]

Using Social Media Can Have Adverse Effects On Self-Esteem For Children

Perhaps Facebook should carry a health warning. A study has revealed that the children who spend more time on online social networks feel less happy in almost all aspects of their lives. The research by a team of economists at the University of Sheffield, to be presented at this week’s Royal Economic Society annual conference [...]

How Better Definitions Of Mental Disorders Could Aid Diagnosis And Treatment

Mental disorders are currently defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which includes hundreds of distinct diagnostic categories, but a new study we worked on suggests we could do better. Each category in the DSM has a checklist of criteria. If you meet “enough” (often, just over half) of these criteria, [...]

Children Struggling To Concentrate At School Due To Lack Of Sleep

Sleep deprivation is a growing problem in schools, with pupils struggling to concentrate in lessons due to lack of sleep, MPs have been told. Edward Timpson, minister for children and families, highlighted the issue while being questioned by MPs who are investigating the role of education in preventing mental health problems in children and young [...]

When Anxiety Is Not In Your Head But In Your Body

It is the most common mental health condition in Australia and when you're in the grip of it, anxiety can seem unmanageable. But its bark is often worse than its bite and simple changes can go a long way in taming the beast. Our diet is one, often overlooked way, understandably perhaps because we tend [...]

Teenagers With Mental Health Issues Prefer Properly Trained Professionals In School Instead Of Teachers

The vast majority of teenagers say they experience “emotional distress” after starting secondary school but claim teachers don’t have the skills to help them, research has found. Four in every five 12- to 16-year-olds in the survey said they felt they had mental health problems but just one in 20 would turn to a teacher [...]

How Ethical Is Sexual Assault Research For Students?

Thirty-nine Australian universities will now individually release the findings of a national research project on sexual assault and harassment on campus. The “Respect. Now. Always.” project, launched in February 2016, has involved two phases: an open call for submissions from the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) an online survey with a randomly selected sample of [...]

Small Acts Of Creativity Can Boost Your Overall Wellbeing

A new study suggests that small acts of creativity in everyday life increase our overall sense of well-being. Many people consider creativity the realm of the tortured soul. Think of Sylvia Plath, Kurt Cobain, or Vincent Van Gogh. Though there is no doubt that Plath, Cobain, and Van Gogh created works of great art, science [...]

Tantrums And Technology: Screen Time Concerns For Parents

Most parents know what it's like to have to drag their child kicking and screaming – sometimes literally – away from a screen. Almost 70 per cent of parents have seen tantrums after taking their child's device away, according to a new survey, while about 40 per cent said using technology made their children more [...]

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